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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:58

Sensing Pop up Blockers

Poster: dishmann
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 19:35:49 GMT

Short and sweet.

I visited a friend (totaly computer idiotic)

Wanted to show off my new menu system.

Went to my Site and BAM No Menus ??????

My other javascript stuff worked ???????

It turns out his "Pop up blocker" allowed javascript (this was a user setting) but was blocking "javascript timers" (another user setting).

I turned off the script timer blocker and all was well.

Now for the questions:

would <NO_SCRIPT> work in this case ????

Is there another way, PHP/ASP/JS or otherwise, that I can tell if javascript is blocked so I can redirect (besides the <NO_SCRIPT> method) ?????

I do both WIN32 and UNIX


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 22:47:19 GMT

Andy will probably have to answer this one, but what browser and OS was he using?

Poster: dishmann
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 23:44:40 GMT

He was running Win XP Home Browser=5.5+ or even 6.0 (I did not check)

Pretty much the latest and greatest

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 3:26:19 GMT

It IS possible, i think. Essentially you could create a timer that would set a variable to something in a couple the mean time you set up a for loop of some sort that counts to say 5000 or more, hopefully in the short time that elapses, the timer has enough time to expire...if it does have enough time (based on your trials and guessing) but still doesn't set the variable, you know timers are disabled, so redirect or do whatever you want. I havent tried this, but its what I would try if I were in your situation.

Poster: dishmann
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 10:23:40 GMT

Sounds logical.

I'll try this out on a test page and report to you guys next time I visit him. (In a couple of weeks) I personally dont use pop-up blockers so this encounter was an unexpected learning experience.

Its a jungle out there. If any other potential solutions I might try "pop-up" [pun intended] please thread them in.


Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 10:32:41 GMT

Try the Google toolbar. It blocks the popups for me and doesn't intefere with your pages either.

Stear clear of Symantec Internet Security though, not sure why but it adds code to disable JavaScript errors. Not good if you are tring to develop JavaScript :roll:


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday November 11 2003 - 16:47:37 GMT

My 2 cents: I use "Pop-Up Stopper" ( and have never had it cause problems with the menus.
