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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:56


Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 9:14:47 GMT

I get following error at the page

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required

in mmenudom.js and the function
function gpos


Is there a parameter I need to set ?


Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Thursday November 20 2003 - 7:31:46 GMT

After some more test I think this error is caused by my own code. It comes and goes :oops:

Sorry that :D


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 20 2003 - 18:02:01 GMT

No problem. Just glad you found it.

Wrong again

Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 13:01:09 GMT

Hi John

I have found the error. If you download the example

you will see the error in WIN IE6.

The problem came after I solved the problem with the submenu position in MAC IE. If you can remember it I solved it by drawing the submenus before the mainmenu. If I remove the extra drawMenus the problem is solved in IE6 but then I have the problem with submenu position in MAC IE :?

I will try to solve it somehow :idea: . The site is online Monday !


Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 16:15:01 GMT

Hello Henrik -

Took some time off, so I don't have a Windoze box now to look at it (just stuck with that at work!). Hopefully one of the other folks can grab a look before Monday.

Are your folks staying with Mac/IE? As I'm sure you know it's been announced as a dead product there. I guess some folks will hang on, but it's not going anywhere.

Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 16:40:45 GMT

Hi John

I have just made a "hack". I have found out that the problem came at the first call of drawMenus. I inserted a dummy main menu together with the submenus and that solved it :?

with(recommended=new menuname("main")){

Also look at the site

Not the best solution but as long my boss is happy :D

Thanks for your quick reponse once again
