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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:57
RC23 - Sub menu offset problems on MAC
Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 15:14:49 GMT
I have written about this problem before after the release of RC18. In RC23 I still have big problems about submenu offset on MAC IE OSX and OS9.
The problems are biggest in OSX. Take a look on the site
If I set the left property to -135 I can get it to work, but then other browsers gets

I have a deadline this week so if it could be fixed I would very

Poster: Maz
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 16:51:54 GMT
I took a look and see only a 1 or 2px space between the menu and submenu on Mac ie5.1.7 usually I see more problems than most on the old browser. Thats like a borders worth of space, is that what you are seeing?
Warm Regards
Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 19:24:39 GMT
Hi Maz
I do not have problems with the submenus position up-down but right-left. In OS9 the submenus are moved about 30 px to the right and in OSX the submenus are moved 135 px to the right.
In Safari and Win browsers the menu workes fine.
Thanks for your reply.
Not compatible with IE MAC for MacOS 9 or OSX.
Poster: Miriam
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 16:23:16 GMT
Henrik, I have encountered exactly the same problem. Besides that, some of the submenus every time appear in a different place, sometime too much to the left, sometimes too much to the right. But I wonder why the menu at the Milonic-website is working OK when I visit it with my IE MAC? Has it something to do with the way I position the main menu? I’ve tried:
and I also tried to use
position="relative"; (placed as a javascript inside a tablecell)
But both settings gave the same problems. Has it something to do with the fact that I use a centered page? Please, who can help…
I'm afraid I have to restore the old version of the website tonight but I will leave one page 'Milonicized', just for those who want to check it out:
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 17:56:05 GMT
Hi Miriam,
"Milonicized" I like that!

Two comments:
(1) The url to the Milonicized page doesn't work for me, at least right now. Can't see any obvious typos in your url, so thought I'd let you know.
(2) One of the positioning approaches you mentioned could be simplified a little.
could become
Who knows... maybe that'll make a difference?
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 19:06:41 GMT
I can't get to that page, either - 404.
Poster: Miriam
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 19:22:20 GMT
Heck, never trust your fingers when you can cut & paste
(Now I used copy & paste and I checked the link twice!)
Groeten, Miriam
Poster: Miriam
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 19:42:06 GMT
kevin3442 wrote:
Who knows... maybe that'll make a difference?
One of the very first laserprinters came from KISS. I'm told it was an acronym for Keep It Simple Stupid. I didn't keep it simple and it seems that I'm the stupid today. Of course I haven't checked it with every IE mac browser but it works with the two versions I have here at home. Thank you Kevin!
BTW. I came accross this menu two day's ago and I was surprised by the flexibility of it. It took me only a couple of hours to implement it in our website. Great software!
Groeten, Miriam
Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 21:44:42 GMT
I'm not sure about this, but maybe someone will spot it.
<script language=JavaScript src="../sys_files/milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></script>
<script language=JavaScript>
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=http:\/\/\/sys_files\/mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=http:\/\/\/sys_files\/mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<script language="JavaScript" src="../sys_files/menu_data.js" name="Menudata">
The sys-files looks strange to me /sys_files/mmenuns4.js
Usually you don't need ../ just / will work.
But I think what you might have is connecting a java onclick within a div and table that is throwing off your submenu, but I don't see it happening except for SinterKlaas, well he might be a menu link too so I mention it.
I'm just pointing these things out and someone may be able to point you in the right direction.
Warm regards
Still a problem i RC24
Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 15:54:37 GMT
Hi All
I will try to illustrate my problems on the site
Problem with the mainmenu at MAC OSX IE5.2.
It should look like this

But look like this

Problem with popup at MAC OSX IE5.2
It should look like this

But look like this

I have also problems in MAC IE for OS9 but not as much.
Hope somebody can help
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 17:12:52 GMT
I've been playing around with your div style to see if I can get it to work on my main menu on the -www- link below, I need a bottom border but the arrow is a problem and I don't know how to make the onstyle which is currently a background image.
However, I'm wondering if the div is doing something, some browsers have css bugs, maybe see if there is a css bug for that browser that could explain it, I usually put a margin 0 on everything just to prevent browser bugs, might be worth a try.
The only other thing you might want to do is put a / before the path on script but I doubt that's it.
Warm regards,
Poster: bobwill
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 17:17:22 GMT
Why don't you try RC 24, just released. I several problems with RC 23 and some things cleared up.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 18:46:07 GMT
I have 24 but if anyone can help me get an on and off border-bottom with everything working on my main menu, I'd like to know how.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 19:57:47 GMT
OS X, IE5.2.3, Safari1.0(v85)...
In IE the Select Language popup is coming up where it's supposed to (according to your post), not to the right as you showed. The subs are popping to the right of the main menu items, as you show.
In Safari the Select Language popup is also in the proper place. The subs, however, are coming up to the left of the main items.
My concern is the <div> you have on all the the AI items. Why? There have been some issues previously with <div> and the menu. Not sure where they stand right now.
Also, why not use on of the class-type parameters to get all those repeated style definitions out of there? See the Quick Reference guides on the main site for details.
Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 20:47:41 GMT
I have tried to use only the cssclass property, but it didn't help. The problem was still there

It is a bit odd that we don't see the same with the same browsers. I have not seen any problems in Safari or other browsers

I like this menu very much and I hope I can get it to work in MAC IE. We try to use it together with a CMS system, where we build the menuscripts with asp-script.
Thanks a lot for your help
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 21:02:26 GMT
Mac IE is like heaven and hell in a basket, definately check for css bugs and try the margin 0 within the div.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 21:11:37 GMT
Should I take my own advice? Well I tried putting a margin 0 on the main menu and it threw out the submenus.

I think that's it. Unless it works in reverse on the submenus.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 23:43:53 GMT
henrik __at__ wrote:
I like this menu very much and I hope I can get it to work in MAC IE. We try to use it together with a CMS system, where we build the menuscripts with asp-script.
Keep in mind that, while I guess it will be hanging around for a while, M$ has announced there will be no further development or releases of IE/Mac. It's a dead product. Safari will be the browser of choice for OS X, and development will definitely continue there (OS X 10.2.8 has Safari 1.0 - OS X 10.3 already has Safari 1.1.1).
Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Saturday November 15 2003 - 7:35:14 GMT
Hi John
I have decided to make a workaround, and make the menu static with menuscript files to
MAC IE 5.1 OS9
The rest

with different position attributes !
Thanks for a very good menu and quick reponse in this forum

Poster: John
Dated: Saturday November 15 2003 - 16:13:31 GMT
henrik __at__ wrote:
Thanks for a very good menu and quick reponse in this forum 

Thanks for the kind words. They are appreciated.

Fixed problem
Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Tuesday November 18 2003 - 12:39:36 GMT
Hi John
I have fixed the problem by following the example
On MAC IE it is important that the submenus are called before the mainmenu. So two drawMenus() calls.
See the result at
The only problem I have left is the pointer in Safari. It is an arrow and not a hand. Do you know the answer to that ?
Re: Fixed problem
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday November 18 2003 - 14:01:12 GMT
henrik __at__ wrote:
On MAC IE it is important that the submenus are called before the mainmenu. So two drawMenus() calls.
Interesting. I don't think we've seen that before. Glad you got it fixed!
henrik __at__ wrote:
The only problem I have left is the pointer in Safari. It is an arrow and not a hand. Do you know the answer to that ?
I firmly believe it's a Safari problem, because I see the same behavior on sites that have nothing to do with the Milonic menu. The Safari cursor can be anything it wants to be (mine is usually an I-beam over links), and sometimes even changes its mind when mousing back and forth over the same link. I should be moving to Safari 1.1.1 soon. Hopefully it's fixed there.