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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Problem with horizontal menu display
Poster: tubize
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 12:33:43 GMT
I have been using the Milonic horizontal menu for over two years with no problem. Recently, after switching to V5, I have experienced a problem on two different computers. Both of them involve my wife but I don't think I can blame her.
On her portable Compaq running IE V5 (but a corporate version) my top menu shows up as a very narrow frame with the scroll bars on the side but no text or links. This past week she was in Stockholm and she experienced the same problem with the computer in the hotel lobby.
Can anyone tell me what is happening here? This is the site. The menu is referenced to a table and is not in a frame.
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 14:24:40 GMT
I don't see the problem you describe at all (IE6/XP Pro).
However, you a way down-level. You're currently at RC11, and we're at RC23. Upgrade, and then look at it again. Also, don't forget to put your license number in the code where indicated.
Let us know.
How can I be way down
Poster: tubize
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 15:17:52 GMT
I have seen another comment in the forum about being way down with my build. I just downloaded it three weeks ago. How often should I have to download?
Also re your test of the menu. It works fine on my pc running W2000 and IE6. My problem is with an earlier version of browser and I need to know how common the problem is because most folks don't tell you when they have a problem with your site. Like how many folks have told you that they do not appreciate having to log into your site and then log in again in the same session to use the forum? I can't be the only one who doesn't appreciate this.
At one time, you had a service where you would test a menu in a number of different browsers. Do you not do that anymore?
Re: How can I be way down
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 15:34:43 GMT
tubize wrote:
I have seen another comment in the forum about being way down with my build. I just downloaded it three weeks ago. How often should I have to download?
Well, without trying to sound like a snot, as often as they are posted. Given that we are still in RC status, the updates are coming pretty fast and furious right now. That's one reason we keep a Sticky post in this area indicating what the current RC is.
tubize wrote:
Like how many folks have told you that they do not appreciate having to log into your site and then log in again in the same session to use the forum? I can't be the only one who doesn't appreciate this.
Actually, nobody has ever told me that. Also, I suspect you don't understand. It is not the same session between here and the main site. These are two entirely separate and distinct sites/programs, one having nothing to do with the other.
tubize wrote:
At one time, you had a service where you would test a menu in a number of different browsers. Do you not do that anymore?
We still do that when folks answering the questions have access to the old browsers. Not all of us do anymore, but many of the regular users do, and you might get an answer from one of them.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 16:11:45 GMT
John, the problem with your wifes machine is possibly due to a browser security setting, probably related to ActiveX.
This was fixed a short while ago and as jgillett (the other John) correctly says, an upgrade will fix it.
So you can see how important it is to upgrade. Each new release fixes problems that may or may not affect your menu but it's always safe to ensure that your menu code files are the latest.
Thanks, guys
Poster: tubize
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 16:40:48 GMT
I did not realize that the forum is not the same site as the rest. I see now that one is a and one is a .com. I think this forum is very well done (like the menu) and will be sure to upload a current version. BTW, I did not realize that I was supposed to put my license code in the code on my site but will do so.
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 17:13:39 GMT
Actually, John, everything is on However, the Forum is a completely separate program that happens to be parked on that domain, and, even though the main site and the Forum are both php, that distinct separation forces the different session IDs (plus the fact that the license database is different from the Forum login).
As you say, the Forum is nicely done, and, on top of that, it's a freebie from
Thanks for your attention to the registration number. Most folks forget, and it's starting to cause headaches for us.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 17:14:54 GMT and are the same thing. used to be the primary domain name but we are gearing towards .com nowadays. Either way, it's the same thing.
There isn't a legal requirement for you to publish your license number, it's entirely up to you but it's advisable. We do get a lot of people asking us if a site is licensed or not. We normally direct them to the list at - Not all of the licenses are in there yet though. I think it's only about a third full.
Re: How can I be way down
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 18:48:59 GMT
tubize wrote:
...I just downloaded it three weeks ago. How often should I have to download?
Hmmmm.... According to what I have, RC11 was out in mid-to-late September. Not trying to pick nits, just wondering if you downloaded RC11 from the Milonic site or from some other site. I recall that various script sites, like, used to (and still do) make ancient releases of the version 3 menu available for download. This drove a lot of traffic to the forum and the mailing list, with people having issues that had long since been addressed by more recent releases. I'd hate to see a repeat of that situation. Anyone know if the version 5 menu is or will be featured on any script sites? A double-edged sword, to be sure.
Quote: many folks have told you that they do not appreciate having to log into your site and then log in again in the same session to use the forum? I can't be the only one who doesn't appreciate this.
Of course, you now realize why the separate sessions. But it may be worth pointing out that you don't have to log into the main site before logging into the forum. You can skip the main site and go directly to the forum, at
At one time, you had a service where you would test a menu in a number of different browsers. Do you not do that anymore?
I don't recall ever seeing an explicit service like that; would have liked to use it myself on occasion! I do know, however, that there are lots of users here who are willing to fire up various browser/OS combinations and have a look at a site if you ask. I can, for example, tell you that your menu functions fine for me when viewed in IE5/Win98, even with Security set to "High".
My Milonic download
Poster: tubize
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 19:02:31 GMT
I just checked my directory. I downloaded it from the Milonic site (I wouldn't go anywhere else) on 9/24. So I guess it is an early version. BTW, Is it just the program files that you change or do I need to change anything in the menu file itself?
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 19:17:32 GMT
After a quick look at your code, everything look fine. You should be OK by just updating the three menu scripts: milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js, and mmenuns4.js.
One note, in case you didn't already know: I see the following in line 1 of your menu_data.js file:
To apply such filters in IE5.5+, you'll need to set them in the style properties, overfilter (applied when a menu opens) and outfilter (applied when a menu closes).
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 19:35:15 GMT
Kevin is correct on which files typically need to be updated with a new RC. However, coming from as far back as RC11, may I suggest some reading material at You might also compare the sample _data file that comes in the download with what you are using now, as there were a few changes in there. One recent 'gotcha' is that style items, such as bgcolor, bgimage, etc., that used to be allowed in the menu definition, now must be in the style definition.
Poster: tubize
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 19:46:06 GMT
I updated the updated program files before reading the above post and found that I had lost my menu so I quickly re-loaded my old program. Is that what happens, you just don't see the menu any more?
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 19:55:08 GMT
Yes and no. It depends on your color scheme. What happens is any background image or color you have set is no longer recognized unless defined within the style section. This leaves you with a transparent menu and text that may or may not be visible depending on colors.
It's usually a quick-fix. In mine I just had to delete my bgimage from all the menu definitions and place a single instance of it in the menu style definition.
Note also that another RC23 has been released (the second one today).
Poster: bigzone
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 21:54:20 GMT
I think RC 11 still used the scriptpath=""; variable. At some point this was replaced via javascipt which is placed in your HTML file.
<script language=JavaScript type="text/javascript">
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=cysmenu/mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=cysmenu/mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
This goes after the javascript with milonic_src.js and before your menu_data.js.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 4:29:28 GMT
It would also be a good idea to look at
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 7:12:25 GMT
Oh am I confused,

I'm not even sure its the menu, nothing changed on the mac, but on windows xp my horizontal menu is off, it looks like the css under the menu.
But I'm not seeing the menu on red color, only the css border that should be hidden under the menu which is now high. Perhaps the background image is not showing up?
Anyone see what I'm talking about on the -www- link?