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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:59

pf.MLoaded null or not an object

Poster: onclezeb
Dated: Sunday November 2 2003 - 3:55:42 GMT

Hi everybody ;)

I use the frame menu with an own application server (Webdev).
I tried it this an test project with 2 frames FRAME_MENU and FRAME_CENTRE. Here the code in the frames_side_array.js :

,"<align=absmiddle>&nbsp;Home","http://localhost/MENUJS_WEB/index.htm target=FRAME_CENTRE;sourceframe=FRAME_CENTRE;","","Home",1
,"<align=absmiddle>&nbsp;Languages","show-menu=lang target=FRAME_CENTRE;sourceframe=FRAME_CENTRE;","http://localhost/MENUJS_WEB/index.htm","Languages",1

For the 1st menu everything all rigth. When i click, the index appears on the FRAME_CENTRE. But with the 2nd, i have the "pf.MLoaded null or not an object" error, and when i click, my 2 frames disappears and the index page appears on all my window.

Does anybody have an idea ?

Poster: John
Dated: Sunday November 2 2003 - 16:51:39 GMT

Is FRAME_CENTRE correct? Should that be FRAME_CENTER?

What exact version of the menu are you using?

Note that the v3 series is no longer supported by Milonic, and help is now limited mostly to other users. It is recommended you upgrade to v5 so we can better assist you.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 3 2003 - 21:17:11 GMT

Hmm, does 5 have a frames menu? I thought it didn't....boy I must be way behind. And, one thing I kept forgetting when I was playing with the v3 frames menu was to put the required code in ALL the pages that had to appear in the's in the sample in bold about doing that.


Poster: John
Dated: Monday November 3 2003 - 21:55:57 GMT

innkeeper9 wrote:
Hmm, does 5 have a frames menu? I thought it didn't....

It doesn't, but I believe it's on the think-about-it-list. From what we've seen, fewer and fewer folks are using frames (you may have seen some of the comments here about "...I really wish I could get out of frames..."), and development time can be better spent on the blow-your-socks-off stuff Andy has up his sleeve.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 4 2003 - 4:40:27 GMT

True although I use frames on one section of my site because it's much easier for me on the layout and I have no idea how else to set it up to get it to be like that.... It's not finished yet but you get the idea, very useful for what I wanted.... frames support would be nice someplace down the road if it's possible, would sure help those who have huge sites fully designed in frames...but they can continue to use v3 for that, it's a pretty good menu!


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday November 4 2003 - 13:40:35 GMT

innkeeper9 wrote:
...frames support would be nice someplace down the road if it's possible, would sure help those who have huge sites fully designed in frames...but they can continue to use v3 for that, it's a pretty good menu!

Not sure if Andy's made up his mind yet or not as to if they'll be included in v5.

As for v3 being a good menu - of course! But now that support is no longer it makes things a little tough.