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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:56

mm_style() undefined?

Poster: kelemvor
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 2:24:24 GMT


I just took my old 3.4 file and ran it through the converter to see what would happen. I then took the result and just replaced my old menu_array.js file with the new one (of course I made a backup first).

When I view my web page locally now to test it, I don't get a menu but get the little error icon at the bottom of IE6. When I open it it says:

Error: 'mm_style' is undefined.

Do I need to do anything to the mmenu.js file at all or any other steps I need to take to get the upgrade to work? I didn't really see any isntructions anywhere other than to just stick my menu_array file in the converter.


Here's the first part of the menu_array file...

if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")>0)
effect="Fade(duration=0.2);Alpha(style=0,opacity=88);Shadow(color='#000000', Direction=135, Strength=5)"
effect="Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)"


with(style1=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Verdana, Arial";

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 6:04:40 GMT

Did you follow the install docs that come with the download of the menu? You need to copy the milonic_src, the mmenudom, and the mmenuns4 files onto your server as well. Then you need to reference those files correctly in any pages that use the menu....the docs explain it all.

I just took my old 3.4 file and ran it through the converter to see what would happen. I then took the result and just replaced my old menu_array.js file with the new one (of course I made a backup first).

From this am guessing you just plugged your converted menu into your page, which uses all the old code. Download the menu samples and read the docs!

Poster: John
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 6:04:49 GMT

First, a tip - whenever posting code use the tags provided at the top of the posting page. A lot can get lost when you don't.

Based on your message I have to make quite a few assumptions, the main one being...

1. You just ran your _data file through the converter and then popped the result back on the server? If so, wouldn't it seem logical that since it's a v3 to v5 converter there might be some changes to the menu code as well that need to be loaded?

If (1 = true) then that is, obviously, the problem. Download the complete v5 from the main site, read the included install instructions (it is completely different than v3), and try again.

If (1 <> true), then my apologies. Post a URL (as requested) so we can see all your code and dig into it further to get you going.

Poster: kelemvor
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 15:59:57 GMT

Well as a suggestion to Milonic, maybe on he COnverter page it should have a note that says You will also need to download the sample menu to work with your newly converted file. There is no mention of this anywhere that I could see. Some simple Upgrade Instructions would be nice that would say which file to download and replace and things like that.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 18:40:53 GMT

When you've converted your menu there is a link provided to download the file. This will send you to a page with a link to either the converted file or the whole download that will include your converted menu. This will include everything you need.

-- Andy