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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:58
License issue, my site is not accesable form the web
Poster: System7
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 19:42:58 GMT
the site i am develping is an internal site for teh goverment of canada this menu looks great so i bought a license but my site can not be view by ppl on teh inter net only ppl on the national network how can i make this licence work
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 19:53:50 GMT
The type of license you have has nothing to do with folks being able to see the menu. There are no built-in restrictions. The problem has to be in your setup, but without any detailed information (you've really given us none), there's no way we can help.
Poster: System7
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:04:15 GMT
what information do you need
i have perchased a licence and i read your faq's that say that i basically jsut dont do anythign with the number its jsut for reference or i can put it in the comments of the src file so i did that but no change it also says to put it in the data file i have not tried this because i am not sure how commenting in a license numebr will do anythign its commented its not liek it will get parsed
the style of menu im using is the relative positioning with html mouse over elements my code is this to generate the main menu html
$sql = "SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menuname = 'mainmenu'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($row[4] != ""){ //row[4] = showmenu, if showmenu!="" then
echo "<a href=\"$row[3]\" class=\"menu\" onmouseover=\"popup('$row[4]')\" onmouseout=popdown()>$row[2]</a>\n";
else { //row[4] = showmenu, if showmenu="" then
echo "<a href=\"$row[3]\" class=\"menu\">$row[2]</a>\n";
//echo "}\n";
//echo "drawMenus();\n";
/*echo "</script>\n"; */
the code semse to be fine to me actually its pretty much exactly as the example code on your site but when i mouse over on the mainmenu items it doesnt popup the menu
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:10:32 GMT
Can you give us a URL so that we can see the problem.
It will help us figure out a solution.
Poster: System7
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:14:53 GMT
as the topic of this thread says its not accessable to the web, you would have to be on the same network as me so if your not a goverment employee then you cant see it so to speak i would liek to but i cant
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:20:47 GMT
But you said that the problem is:
but my site can not be view by ppl on teh inter net only ppl on the national network how can i make this licence work
So surely that would indicate that the problem is - that people can't see your site on the Internet but they can locally.
Or am I getting this all wrong?
Like John says, the menu isn't restricted by protocol so regardless of whether you are on local, Internet, Intranet or CD-ROM it should still work.
There could be a problem with your syntax.
Poster: System7
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:23:29 GMT
k this is what i mean i put the license key in the commments of the menu (the menu is a sample i d/l after purchasing the license and modified ) but the second element is still milonic menu how does this license work
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:28:27 GMT
Oh I see now

You claim you downloaded the menu after you purchased.
Were you logged in as the user that purchased the menu?
If not, this will be the problem.
The system will deliver a different menu only for the user we have on record. We can add users to this account but you'll need to let us know.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:28:54 GMT
The license number is not a key. It just lets us know you are really licensed when we spider sites looking for moochers.
It sounds like you downloaded the code before your license number had either been received or fully entered into the database. Download the code again from the main site. The system should recognize you and send the code without the forced link.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:30:26 GMT
I've just checked your account and you are registered.
Can you try downloading the menu again and ensure that your cache is clear.
Poster: bonewalker
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:37:27 GMT
I have been having the same problem all day. I am logged in as the person who first applied for the license. I am told that I will receive the menu without the milonic link. I download menu_sample1. I open it up, it says RC 20. I install files correctly, yet, I still see the milonic link.
Need more info?
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:39:57 GMT
What does the download page tell you?
Does it say that you have valid support or not?
Can you send over (via email) a copy of the menu that the delivers.
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:42:37 GMT
Haven't seen you around for a while...
If it says no link, you should be getting the proper code set (unless old fumble-fingers has been at it again!). Are you absolutely sure the cache is empty? I've been having a devil of a time with IE lately - empty the cache (or so it says), and the old page is still there. Try holding down Shift while you do a reload of the page. That should force a pull from the server.
Poster: bonewalker
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 20:52:08 GMT
Ok, email sent, Andy.
I will check out the cache problem, too. But, when I open the zip file and look inside the src of milonic_src.js, it says RC 20, Build 11/7/03 I thought I had the latest.
Thanks again,
Haven't seen you around for a while...
Well, busy with many things, but I am always reading these forums, just not posting a lot.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 21:01:33 GMT

Forgot to allow free license holders access to the full download.
Fixed it now though.
However, that still doesnt explain System7's problem. As a paid up member you should still have had access to the full download.
I have logged in, pretending to be System7, downloaded and got the full download so unless it's a cache problem, I'm at a loss and will need to investigate a little further.
If you can let me know that would be great
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 1:15:18 GMT
bonewalker wrote:
Well, busy with many things, but I am always reading these forums, just not posting a lot.
I know I should help out the new guys more, but I still feel like a new guy myself. Not a lot of confidence in my milonic menu forum answers!

Well, at the rate Andy's been adding and changing things we all feel like the new kid, sometimes. Jump in - we get some right, we get some wrong, but every little bit helps.
Poster: System7
Dated: Monday November 10 2003 - 23:34:48 GMT
well it looks like i got the full menu d/l now when i logged in thanks guys XD
but there seems to be a problem in the menu i downloaded sample 3 the html with mouse over popups one it works but teh second element doesnt show the menu(the second element is samples ) i checked the html source and teh code is fine for that link and there is a menu samples in the data file but it doesnt work

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Saturday November 15 2003 - 19:14:30 GMT
Ok , figured this one out. And Andy, you should take notice, this sample might need fixing. When this menu sample was created, the menus are defined with top and left coordinates in them. This works fine on the main site, but when I downloaded the menu, the positions were all wrong because I BELIEVE if the page had your Milonic header, everything would align right. This makes sense if your downloading engine takes the exact code that was used to run the page and zips it up...nothing you can do but I thought I would just mention it. Just change the values to your liking to make things line up.
Secondly, the reason why samples is not showing up is because the downloaded version does not have top and left coordinates in that menu. Give it top and left and then it will appear. The display of code on the sample page shows samples menu having a top/left defined, but the downloaded version does not. FYI boss....

Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday November 17 2003 - 10:38:37 GMT
I've fixed the sample menu problem.
You are right the positions are based on the Milonic header, not sure if fixing it will help though.
What it does is state that the menus are positioned statically in sample 3 - If your headers get thrown ot, so will the menu.
It's better to use sample 24. It's much more dynamic.