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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:58
image tag for arrow.gif doesn't show
Poster: carolwess
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 18:36:22 GMT
Newbie here....
In the menu_data.js, the arrow is listed as subimage="arrow.gif". I would like to keep the arrow with all my other images in the image folder. On my web page I simply list it as src="images/imagename.jpg" and it works. How do I do this same thing in the js source file? Can't seem to figure it out.....Thanks in advance.
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 18:42:50 GMT
The syntax there would be exactly the same as in your HTML...
However, a better way to do this, especially if you site is more than one level deep, is to use server-relative addressing. That way you don't have to resort to ../images or ../../images junk all over the place. Assuming /images/ is at the root level of your site, it would then be...
Now it stays the same regardless of what level the menu is on.
The same thing holds true for the JS menu calls.