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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:57

How to set mouse-on color for active site on load

Poster: hercomserv
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 13:44:42 GMT

How can I have the menu titel for the active page be displayed in the mouse-over color automatically when the page loads?
e.g. 'About Us' would be displayed in the mouse-over color automatically when the about.htm page loads. All other menu items would only be displayed in mouse-over colors as soon as the mouse is moved to that item.

Thank you for your help!. I like this menu very much but am still new to all of this. Tried to find something but did not.

Again Thanks!

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 16:21:53 GMT


You can specify the menu item's background color with pagebgcolor. You can also specify the menuitem's font color with pagecolor. These are style properties that you define in a menu style. You can read more about these and other style properties here.

Hope that helps,


Poster: hercomserv
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 17:48:10 GMT

Thank you for your help!