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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:58

Contribute solution?

Poster: mothra
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 0:32:42 GMT

I posted over at MM to see if they found any solutions to the Contribute issue, and here is a reply that may help you solve this...

the direct problem with the Milonic menus are that in the actual menu
script, one of the alternative menus uses iframes.

in the script is written <iframe src="blahblah> and </iframe>
When contribute sees that code (even though it is in a document.write and isn't executing) contribute thinks there are iframes on the page, and the dialog box to "pick a frame to edit" comes up. Since there aren't any real frames to select- there's no way to edit the page

the fix that i haven't had time to complete or test is (i'm guessing) break
apart the tag <iframe> and </frame> into text strings that are assembled in
the document.write , like <ifra + me> Then the tag parser in contribute
would not see it as a tag and ignore them

Or- replace the <iframe> with <span> but i'm not versed in the milonic
script enough to know ~why~ they are using an iframe there...

Will this work? Or should we look for another menu/web editor app? (The staff is chomping at the bit to access their site again). Recommendations please if "no".

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 1:55:14 GMT

I think if Andy were to break it up, it might work. I dont know how long it is going to take him to put it in, or if at all. I can't test it right now, but I went through the mmenudom file and found the two instances of iframe that I think may be causing the problem. You can download the copy I editted at Back up your own copy first and then try using this to see if it works. Its the latest copy as of Tuesday night 9PM EST just with a "+" placed in the middle of the iframe tags. Give it a shot and let me know when you get the file so I can take it down.

Poster: mothra
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 5:22:12 GMT

Thanks, I got it, Dave.

I will have the staff try it out tomorrow PST.

I appreciate the quick response.

Poster: mothra
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 7:17:52 GMT

Our staff tried it out today, and we're still getting errors. Any more occurences of iFrame tags?

Andy, any plans for a workaround?


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 14:59:29 GMT

The original post and 'fix' at MM was for v3 menu code. Since v3 is no longer supported here I wrote them to try and get them to look at the new v5 code. Never got a response.

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 3:31:52 GMT

There is one more, if you open up that file you downloaded from me there is one more string that is 'iframe' But its not really a tag, its just a piece of code thats telling the menu to create an HTML element of that type, which should only render a <iframe> tag at runtime...this is crazy. I would email MM again (like John did, but the more people the more urgent it will seem to them to fix) and tell them there is a NEW version of the menu and they should look at it and see where the errors occur.