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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31
Cross Browser Positioning
Poster: slserra
Dated: Tuesday May 6 2003 - 1:35:54 BST
I created a menu structure that works well on my test machine when I use IE. However, when I use NS or Mozilla to view the menu it displays several pixels off vertically. This then overlays part of an image and it looks sloppy.
Also, is there a way to have the menu start within a table cell instead of giving it an absolute pixel value? For example, if I resize the browser window I would like the menu to remain on the left side of the page and not remain fixed. Again, I can get it to work in IE by using a Screen Position of "center" and a negative Menu Left offset. However, when viewed in NS or Mozilla the menu appears several pixels to the left and overlays the left side of the page.
You can see this menu at
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday May 6 2003 - 15:13:54 BST
Looking at the page you indicate and comparing IE6 to NS7.02 I see no differences at all in the display.
As for menus in tables, see
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday May 6 2003 - 23:40:49 BST
Hi Steve,
The differences you are seeing in positioning are due to differences in default margins among browsers. If you set your margins to zero, either in the opening body tag or in a body style, the differences should go away. Centering the menu and applying a left offset is probably the best way to go. Placing the menu in a table may lead to other issues, but you could give it a try.
Hope that helps,