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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:28
example usage of onclass/offclass properties
Poster: brett4got
Dated: Monday June 16 2003 - 21:45:01 BST
I noticed that the new version now lets you customize the menu using css. Are there any examples of what properties you can set using css classes?
I would assume things like border-style, border-width, color, background-color??
I guess I can always do some testing but I thought I would check to see if anyone had any examples first. Ideally, I would like to create one similar to the xp style menu inlcuded with the source.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday June 16 2003 - 23:37:58 BST
This all depends on your browser.
Netscape 4.x has diabolical support for CSS and so won't work at all. IE4.0 will only support CSS1 but IE6.0 should support most CSS2 features.
Netscape 7+, Mozilla and Opera 7+ should support nearly all CSS2 features.
All you need to do is declare your onclass and offclass in the menu and then try it out.
It hasn't had much testing but should work ok
Let me know how you get on
Poster: xMANIGHTx
Dated: Tuesday June 17 2003 - 23:56:57 BST
I'm doing some test with onclass/offclass.
Ip ut this property in the style definition this way:
Then in my css I created:
.classname { ... }
One thing I'm still missing is, how to render the menu with the offclass properties from the start.
Infact the offclass seem to work when you mouseout of the menu, but the style used in offclass, should be set from the start on the menu, before you go over it, or there should be another class property (startclass?) to set the starting gfx.
Having menu style fully configurable from css would be a great feture..
And maybe even having positioning from css would be a great addon. Infact this would integrate perfectly in a "modular skin system" where users can choose their layout and gfx.
Actually I'm doing the same thing but with a great effort in ASP/SQL coding and caching, to change the menu gfx and layout together with the whole site skins. (Soon I'll put up the skin example too)
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday June 18 2003 - 9:37:14 BST
OK, it's a bug then.
I've added it to the To-Do list and should get it done in the next day or so.