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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25
specifieds menu widths in opera 7 different
Poster: mx68u
Dated: Thursday July 10 2003 - 16:12:58 BST
Hey Guys,
Firstly as many of the members here would agree i would like to take the opportunity to say thanks for supplying the web dev community with a user-friendly, scaliable and efficient menu system with free licensing
Ok now to my problem i only have netscape 7, IE 6 and opera 7 installed on my computer so i have no idea how my page or the menu comes out in other browers, if you guys notice something odd please let me know.
In netscape 7 and IE6 the menu comes out exactly as i want it too, i want the menu bar to span across and fit directly into my 754 pixel webpage which seems to do just fine with a menu width of 90 with 8 menus.
Unfortunately for some reason opera is interpreting the menu width incorrectly, its truncating the menus quite a bit and the end result is a significantly smaller menu bar, along with of course cut of menu headings.
Now i dont think that many rev-heads will be using opera but i thought i might as well point it out, looked at other threads but it doesnt look like many ppl are tryin to achieve the same thing as myself (bar span the width of the actual webpage).
ok the website is:
still under production
js files (stock filenames) are located in;