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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25
Shared Borders in FP2000
Poster: doodleelephant
Dated: Wednesday July 9 2003 - 18:10:42 BST
I had a horrible time when I tried to put a shared border at the bottom of the school's website I'm creating. When I put a shared border on the bottom so that I could put the Milonic Logo/Link in I only saw a portion of my menu. I had the scripts in the body just like I've seen everyone suggest and It didn't work. I found that with shared borders you MUST put the scripts in the header or it won't work. What a bother.
Another problem:
I need to put a menu on the left side of the page that links to all the pages in the site, kind of like the FP Navigation Bar thing. Which would be better, A shared border on the left, or Frames, Both of which seem to give problems to Milonic's Menus. I'm in a bind, HELP
Poster: SecretAgentWoman
Dated: Sunday July 13 2003 - 18:12:27 BST
Shared border.
Can you give an example? I have the menu on my site, use FP and have no problems. I just simply made a template page with the code in my header and start all new pages from the template.
Got it
Poster: doodleelephant
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 17:59:06 BST
FrontPage Shared borders are definately better. After a lot of fiddling (more than I would have liked to do) I have the menu working with Shared Borders. You should be able to see the menu system at near the end of august. If the site has a spinning CH in the upper left corner, it's the old site without any menus.
Copper Hills High Web Administrator
PS: Hey Andy, this menu is one of the best on the web! Thanks for making such an easy to use menu system!
Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 22:42:07 BST
Version 5.0 has full support for Shared Borders.
The problem with v3 is that you can't embed the menu inside a table. As Shared Borders are essentially tables, this is of course the problem.
There is a release candidate here: