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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23

navbar imageswap help

Poster: belen
Dated: Tuesday July 29 2003 - 21:16:46 BST

i really thought i would find the answer to this already, but either i am blind or...blind :)

i have used this menu in previous versions and had no proble making my navbar images swap to have a mouseover image. but alas, V5 is kicking my ass.

so the simple question is:

how do i make a main navbar image give me a mouseover image? the current menu item looks like this:
aI("itemwidth=97;image=images/nav_home_portal.gif BORDER=0;url=home.html;showmenu=home menu");

it looks fine, except no image mouseover :)

any help is greatly appreciated!

web design & development

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday July 30 2003 - 0:12:23 BST

Try the "overimage" property, like this:
overimage=images/nav_home_portal_over.gif;url=home.html;showmenu=home menu");

You'll also find other cool mouseover image properties, like "overbgimage" and "onsubimage".

Hope that helps,


onsubimage property is jumpy

Poster: cubefree
Dated: Monday August 4 2003 - 8:18:57 BST

Not sure why but when I added onsubimage to the style properties in did NOT work.

However, when I tried adding the onsubimage property to that specific item on the menu, it does work, but other properties like onbordercolor and onbgcolor went away and item margin changed. [ Also I have confirmed, the graphic cmm_arrow is exactly the same size. ]

   with(milonic=new menuname("proginfo menu")){_c=1
   borderwidth = 1;
   style = subStyle2;   
   aI("text=Core Plan;showmenu=coreplan menu;url=#;onsubimage=../images/nav/cmm_arrow2_on.gif;");
   aI("text=Value Plan;showmenu=valueplan menu;url=../proginfo/default.htm;");
   aI("text=457(b) Plan;showmenu=457bplan menu;url=#;");


Am I using this correctly?

See more code here:
Mouseover Program Information, then down the menu to see what I mean. ... zontal.htm

Most appreciated,

PS. For a list of the other cool properties for V5?
See: ... onsubimage