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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24
Mozilla not displaying menu
Poster: ja
Dated: Monday July 21 2003 - 10:40:30 BST
Hi everyone
At the menu is working fine in NN and IE, but not in Mozilla 1.4a, my default browser. It's not displaying at all.
It's been working fine, and the only thing I can think I've changed in the last couple of days is I'm working on this page to get it through html 4.01 strict (just for fun), and I started with the doctype, image dimensions, and .. ahhh .. I set charset=utf-8. However that's not set in any of the other pages, some of which don't have pics either.
Mozilla wouldn't take utf-8 from my about page and apply it to the others in the same domain would it? And would that stop the menu displaying?
.. more info ..
Poster: ja
Dated: Monday July 21 2003 - 10:48:06 BST
.. further to the above, I changed utf-8 to ISO-8859-1 and it's made no difference. Also I should probably say I've got a display:none in a css meant for print, and I'm sure it's not getting that confused because if it was using that css the page would look completely different.
Any help appreciated
Poster: pit
Dated: Monday July 21 2003 - 16:12:31 BST
Did you find the Problem? I checked the URL and it works fine in IE and in Mozilla.
Anyway I have the same Problem. I wrote a new side and the menu is working fine with IE but I don't see a menu in Mozilla 1.4 or Netscape 7.0
Any Solution?
(I use Menu-Version 3.5.15 - downloaded today)
re: Mozilla not displaying menu
Poster: ja
Dated: Monday July 21 2003 - 17:01:01 BST
I haven't solved it yet, it could be a Mozilla setting I changed but I can't see what. I'm 3.5.15 too.
Poster: pit
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 7:56:39 BST
I found my mistake!
I had the <SCRIPTlanguage=JavaScript src="menu_array.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> directive etc. in the body and not in
the head.
After changing that it works fine with IE, NN 7.0, Opera and Mozilla 1.4.
Konqueror and the Browsers under MAC I will test later on.
.. and I found a solution too
Poster: ja
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 17:38:26 BST
I switched off JavaScript in Mozilla and added a <noscript> part in menu.html to make navigation work when JavaScript is switched off.
When I switched JavaScript back on again, my menu re-appeared. Funky