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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
menu covers the web page
Poster: patfox
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 21:38:51 BST
I installed Version 3.5.15 so form text boxes would not appear on top of the menu drop down. Now I get reports that my vertical menu flyout boxes cover the page and will not go away. Seems to be on IE5x. Upgrade to IE6x fixes it. Before I tell all to upgrade is there a fix for the problem?
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday August 1 2003 - 6:10:45 BST
Either of you have a URL we could check out, to see what's going on?
Poster: mwarkentin
Dated: Friday August 1 2003 - 17:32:33 BST
When I get home from work I can post a screenshot of the bug as well.
Poster: patfox
Dated: Saturday August 2 2003 - 21:16:58 BST
Thanks mwarkentin for posting a screen shot.
I hope we can get an answer.
Pat Fox
I fixed mine
Poster: patfox
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 1:03:47 BST
There is a notice I had overlooked on this site.
You need to set a value for the width..
In this case the value is "130"
Seems to have fixed the problem.