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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24
Help the New Guy - Install Menu
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Sunday July 20 2003 - 2:47:57 BST
I am embarassed to ask, but I need assistance.
Is there anyone out here who would be willing to take a look at and tell me what I am doing wrong?
I am using Dreamweaver and have inserted a JavaScript and pointed it toward the menu_array.js and a second one and pointed it toward mmenu.js.
Thanks for helping out the new guy!
Poster: John
Dated: Monday July 21 2003 - 16:36:07 BST
What, exactly, is not working? I see a completely functional menu system.
Re: was Help the New Guy - Now Vertical Rather than Horiz...
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 16:01:39 BST
I failed to post after I figured things out!
Now another question. I would actually like to have the menu display vertically rather than horizontally, and inside my table. When I change the array setting to display this way, it seems that the menu is looking for arrows. How do I get the menu to find the arrows that I have uploaded.
Thanks. And actually the menu has been posted at the following website: ... mation.htm
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 16:23:41 BST
Looks like it should work if you really have your arrow.gif loaded in the root. I see other image files loaded at wfo_files/ and various other locations.
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 17:10:29 BST
Thanks John. I will make the change to Horizontal and post the results. And regarding my files, I know I need to clean up and get rid of redundancies . I don't think I have the file loaded in the root. In fact I do not know what this means.
Also, could you or anyone suggest good methods of organization of files?
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 17:19:01 BST
I always try to keep common files together; e.g., menu files in /menu5/, all graphics in /images/, etc. If I need a sub-directory for a different part of the site I may or may not put an /images/ file in there just for that sub. Depends on how deep and complex that section will be. Something like putting the salt in one cabinet and the pepper in another across the room - makes no sense.
Some folks say it's extra work (they just dump everything in the same directory), but to me it's better organization which makes things easier all around.
I don't think I have the file loaded in the root. In fact I do not know what this means.
If I remember right your arrow statement said simply "arrow.gif". That means the system expects to find it in the same directory as your .htm (.html) files (the root level). Other graphics were located in wfo_files/xxx.gif, or whatever, and even some other locations. Confusing.
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Tuesday July 22 2003 - 18:06:51 BST
Thanks John! I will follow your advice. I try to be organized, but being new to all of this, I do not always know which files to upload and which to not upload.
Thanks again,
Check this Out!
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Wednesday July 23 2003 - 3:50:38 BST
OK! I have updated the page and all of my files will be in order soon!! They are soo organized on my local machine and I will synch my remote site as soon as I am back on a LAN. Anyway, I have made what I think are some very nice changes to ... mation.htm. I have made the menu horizontal and the settings have it inside my table.
My question is this. Is there a way to make the box a bit bigger? I would like the arrows to be a space away from the text.
Menu in Different Browsers
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Wednesday July 23 2003 - 15:41:29 BST
Hi all. I just checked my website in a version 5 IE browser and noticed that the menu extends all the way across the screen. The menu works great in IE 6. I have checked no other browsers.
Is this a known bug, or are my setting wrong?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday July 23 2003 - 22:38:03 BST
I have IE5, you need to put in a width for the menu. In the menu_array.js file go down to the section that has that 'mainmenu' You put in position numbers for top, left and right below that if you put in 202 for menu width it will stay inside that box you have the menu in. Also, you have two submenus called other sites so only the first one shows up, the one with Greg's writings and etc. on it, the second one doesn't come up, the one with wired news and such. You need to rename that submenu to something else. Also, if you want the Greg's Writings & Presentations to come up on one line instead of wrapping, try taking out the menu width 140 in that submenu.
IE5 Issues
Poster: gwoodard
Dated: Thursday July 24 2003 - 16:13:55 BST
Thanks for the suggested corrections. I will make them later today!