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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25
Autogeneration of Email infoprmation
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Monday July 14 2003 - 9:34:22 BST
Hi All,
I am aware of how to do the html coding to autogenerate the To address, Subject heading and Body text for an email as follows:
Email: <a href='sandy __at__ to Sandy&body=EMAIL VIA SANDY'S PAGE'>Sandy Rogers</a>
Is it possible to auto-generate the CC and BCC addresses? If so can some one please supply an example.
Thanks in advance
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday July 17 2003 - 23:29:49 BST
I believe this was answered in the mailing but to recap try:
<a href='sandy __at__ to Sandy&body=EMAIL VIA SANDY'S PAGE&cc=someone __at__ __at__'>Sandy Rogers</a>