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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23
anyway to just put the menu in a table?
Poster: brokeDUstudent
Dated: Tuesday July 29 2003 - 2:46:01 BST
Hey hows it going,
is there anyway to just put the 2 menu files in a table and not specify the exact position of it? I only ask because if someone doesn't have the browser maximized my menu is not in the position where it should be. I tried searching for a similar problem and have come up empty-handed.. any ideas are appreciated, thanks.
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday July 29 2003 - 17:41:39 BST
Crank up the menu.htm file in the v5 download you got. You'll see Local Samples/Embedded Inside a Table. That, and the associated array, should get you going.
Hmmm... what?
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 2:51:56 BST
I'm sorry, but I'm trying to do this as well and your answer did not help. I would like to place this in a table, and not use X,Y coordinates - is that possible? Can you please explain your answer with more detail?
Thank you,
Cody Rush
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 3:17:51 BST
Okay, I found a download for beta4. I d/l'd it and now I see a table_data.js file. I have actually been successful in placing the appropriate files into a table. Yeah! Now, can I do it with a horizontal menu?
Re: Hmmm... what?
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 17:21:24 BST
codyrush wrote:
I'm sorry, but I'm trying to do this as well and your answer did not help. I would like to place this in a table, and not use X,Y coordinates - is that possible? Can you please explain your answer with more detail?
Sorry, but you got me on that one. What "X,Y" coordinates, specifically, are you talking about? Looking at the file I mentioned in the other message I don't see any. What version of the menu are you running?
Very simply, it's just a matter of...
<script language="Javascript" src="/sa/menu5/milonic_src.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="Javascript" src="/sa/menu5/milonic_src.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Adjust that for your path, of course. And...
<td width="100" align="center" valign="top"><script language="Javascript" src="reg1_data.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Also adjusted as necessary for your array.
Re: Hmmm... what?
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 22:13:33 BST
jgillett wrote:
Sorry, but you got me on that one. What "X,Y" coordinates, specifically, are you talking about? Looking at the file I mentioned in the other message I don't see any. What version of the menu are you running?
I'm sorry. What I was referring to was how you set the position of the menu based on coordinates from the top and left of the page. I'm looking at this more, and I am coming to the assumption that I do not have the same version of the software as you. I do not have a file named reg1_data.js. Or, is this just simply a different file that has been renamed? I tried to use the horizontal_data.js inside a table, but it output the table and then the menu below it, not inside the table.
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 22:24:08 BST
Okay, according to the menu_array.js the version is 3.x.

In one of your examples, the path says sa/menu5/milonic_src.js. Is there a more current version (version 5)? Which version do you recommend and where can I d/l it?
Thanks again,
Cody Rush
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 22:34:48 BST
Hah! Maybe next time I should read the front page.
Please note: The beta is currently still at version 4 but once we go live this will become version 5. I know it's more confusion but it's just something we needed to address. All will become clear once we go for launch.
Got it! So, the beta4 is what I should be using - which is what I d/l'd last night.
Thanks one more time,
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 22:39:43 BST
You can name the array (menu data) files anything you like (that's why I said '...adjusted as necessary for your array.') - just don't rename the 'guts' menu files themselves.
What you should be looking at in the v5 download is table.htm. That has a big old menu smack in the middle of a <td>. The associated table_data.js has all the info that makes it work. Sorry, but I have to say this - that's why Andy called it table_data.

I think you're trying to make it too hard. Take it slow, look at the files I mentioned above, and it'll work. If not, post a URL so we can see what's happening.
On the versions, note there's a new RC out, just to make sure we're on the same page -
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Thursday July 31 2003 - 23:04:10 BST
here is a link... i should have provided this long ago.
I have not put any menu code into this page yet, I'm still just trying to get something to happen on a blank HTML page. Anyways, thats what the page looks like. The links at the top... WELCOME, SERVICES, PROJECTS, REFERENCES and PRESS RELEASES are what I want to make dropdowns.
Any suggestions or recommendations?
Poster: codyrush
Dated: Friday August 1 2003 - 0:05:37 BST
go to that link, i dare you. i have a menu functioning absolutely wonderful on my local machine. I just uploaded the files via FTP and I get a debug error when I visit the link above. When I click on YES to debug, the debugger highlights the very last word in my array file.... _drawMenu(_a)
and now just 5 minutes after I made the post about the debug... and it has just stopped. I'm not getting an error, but I am also not getting my menu, its just blank.