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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23
Alternative method of placing arrows on menus
Poster: Wargardens
Dated: Monday July 28 2003 - 5:29:39 BST
I thought I would pass on the following, which I have found useful. Basically, it allows you to place optional coloured arrows on menus/submenus without using images. I have only tested it in IE6 and Moz 1.4 so far, however.
⇒ is the html entity for a double arrow (see ... ences.html).
Style definitions need to be something along these lines:
<style type='text/css'>
.rarr { float:right; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; }
.mred { color: #900; }
.mblue { color: #009; }
And the following is for the menu items themselves:
<span class='rarr mred'>⇒</span>Menu Text 1 Here
<span class='rarr mblue'>⇒</span>Menu Text 2 Here