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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:34
The basics
Poster: GS1969
Dated: Wednesday February 26 2003 - 13:05:15 GMT
Hey guys,
really hate to ask but everybodies got to start somewhere right?
First let me say, WOW, this menu system looks really cool and very useful for me. I will never make any money and will use it mostly for playing around with at home, but for that reason I need some help.
The system was not really clear so I hope somebody will help by indulging me.
1. Do you buy the whole set of menus and transitions as a total package, or do you just get licences for one at a time?
2. Do the menus exist as part of your web page, or doesit exist somewhere else? What I mean is, can I set up a "Web site" on my computer that is not attached to the internet, and have the menus work. For example, have it work almost like an old hyper-card presentation.
Here's my deal so you know what I'm looking for. I'm a nerd, an old pen and paper RPGer. I want to set up an html rulebook that only runs right on my computer. I want to have quick, clean, and cool menu access to all of the rules, maps, and whatever.
To give you an idea of my application; I have a web site,, but that is really just the tip of the iceburg. I want to run it off my local computer, that's what I do now, but if for example, I want to check out spells, I would go to "Mage", menu to spells, submenu to level, submenu to spells, and have a menu open up over each one, like the European city example, with the basics, and then with a button at the bottom to look up the spell in full description. Sweet, and very slick.
The menu program would be fabulous for this, I see so many possibilities!
...I just hope it will work...
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday February 27 2003 - 14:17:02 GMT
1. It's all part of the package. The many different 'options' you see are already built-in - you call them or not, as needed.
2. Not entirely sure what you mean by 'somewhere else', as many sites now have pieces that exist in other places. However, the menu is local to your machine (or host), whichever the case may be.
"Somewhere else" clarification
Poster: GS1969
Dated: Friday February 28 2003 - 6:20:27 GMT
Hi John, thanks for getting back to me. What I mean is, can I disconnect my computer from the internet and still have the dynamic menus work?
Poster: John
Dated: Friday February 28 2003 - 16:15:27 GMT
Hi -
Yes, absolutely. Obviously don't refer to something that requires an Internet connection (