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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:34
getting an error message (line 38)?
Poster: KatWalsh
Dated: Tuesday February 25 2003 - 1:30:28 GMT
Many thanks to Kevin3442 for helping me get the 2 menus on my page up and running using 2 menu_array files (plus the info on headers). I also took his advice in removing the menus from table cells (and using 'placemenu'). So thank you.

I like the way it looks now, however the status bar in my browser (IE 5) keeps reporting an error on the page now.

When I click on it for details it says:
Line: 38
Char: 186
Error: Expected ')' (or ']' - can't tell which that is supposed to be)
Code: 0
Char: 186
Error: Expected ')' (or ']' - can't tell which that is supposed to be)
Code: 0
I've looked through both array files and do not see any missing closing brackets. I am downloading netscape now to see if it also gets errors, but I know it shows up in IE.
Any help would be much appreciated! The page in question is:
Thank you!
P.S. the only other changes I've made on the page, besides playing with the menu_array files, has been to add a footer file. Which is why the url is now shtml, but I've used the menu on shtml pages before so I assume that's not the problem.[/code]
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday February 25 2003 - 2:00:22 GMT
Hi Kat,
This is a vexing problem. The error message in IE is sufficiently vague as to be really irritating but, at the same time, not very helpful at all! NS7 probably won't show an error message at all in its javascript console. NS4, however, will... one of it only remaining, redeeming qualities imho. It seems that the menu doesn't like the use of a single quote in the "Status Text." On line 90 of your menu_array2.js, you have ":: Check to see what's new! ::" You can either rewrite it, to get rid of the contraction ("Check out the new stuff!") or, if you like the apostrophe, try changing it to ":: Check to see what’s new! ::" or "":: Check to see what’s new! ::" (unicode for a right single quote).
Try it... you'll like it!

Poster: KatWalsh
Dated: Tuesday February 25 2003 - 4:01:43 GMT
Thanks (again), Kevin!
That did the trick. You've been so helpful! :mrgreen: