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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:52
overflow="scroll" does not work on main menu
Poster: luegner
Dated: Sunday December 14 2003 - 8:26:18 GMT
I am guessing that this is a bug but scrollbars don't appear when setting overflow="scroll" on a really long vertical main menu (submenus work fine).
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday December 14 2003 - 17:32:05 GMT
A site to check it out would help a lot...there's no way to see without the files what's going on or why it's happening [or not as the case may be]

Poster: luegner
Dated: Sunday December 14 2003 - 21:03:42 GMT
I grabbed the menu from milonic since you need something to look at. As you can see the scroll bar does not appear on the main menu but it does appear on submenus in which overflow="scroll" is specified.
Someone might want to check out my other post as well which states that when using Mozilla/Gecko/Netscape 6+, the scrollbar appears but you can only use it for a second as the menu disappears when you are scrolling. You can observe this behaviour on this site link I posted as well.
Poster: luegner
Dated: Sunday December 14 2003 - 22:56:20 GMT
I did some testing and there seems to be a direct correlation between the scrollbars not appearing and the menu being set to alwaysvisible=1. So it does not matter if it's the main menu or a sub menu. Overflow="scroll" simply does not show scrollbars when that particular menu has the alwaysvisible=1 setting.