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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51
help with divhider and mulitple word menu sections
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday December 20 2003 - 23:01:01 GMT
This is the divhider.js file beginning code.
M_hideMenus = "Samples->formdiv1;Samples->formdiv2;milonic->formdiv2;"
This is what I used for my menu Code:
M_hideMenus = "This Site->div1;Around The Web->div1;Search->div1;Contact->div1;Milonic Menus->div1;"
I'm using it to hide an applet. It works fine with the two single word sections: search and contact, but won't work with the others. I have tried inserting a non breaking space [& nbsp ;] between the words, both in the menu and in the code, I've tried putting the ->div1; after each single word [This->div1;Site->div1; etc. Neither attempt worked. Any solution to get it to work with more than one word?
Poster: John
Dated: Monday December 22 2003 - 3:23:35 GMT
Just guessing here, because I haven't looked at this code, but doesn't this point to the name of the <div> you're after, rather than the text? If so, the internal name can be one word (e.g., This_Site) without messing up your menu look.
Of course, I could still have the fever...

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday December 22 2003 - 6:23:14 GMT
[edit] deleted links and question[endedit] Ok, I finally figured it out for anyone else that is as unknowledgeable

with(milonic=new menuname("main2")){
aI("text= Poetry, Graphics, Games ;showmenu=whatevermenuname;");
would be coded like this in the divhider.js filestyle=main2;
aI("text= Poetry, Graphics, Games ;showmenu=whatevermenuname;");
M_hideMenus = "whatevermenuname->div1;" or whatever you named your div....