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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:53
Error: '_M.22"
Poster: SimpleSimon
Dated: Wednesday December 3 2003 - 15:49:47 GMT
I published from my local server to isp and all of a sudden i am getting this error message when pages load on either server. It is not consistent however and does not happen at every load. Confused or what! Was fine until i published. Pages and menuse seem to work fine otherwise.
Error: '_M.22' is null or not an object
Any ideas much appreciated
The page in question
Poster: SimpleSimon
Dated: Wednesday December 3 2003 - 16:22:27 GMT
On eof the pages that is giving me the error is:
I get a runtime error as described in my earlier post.
Help if you can please...
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday December 3 2003 - 19:29:22 GMT
followscroll=3,100,2; needs to be in quotes, as followscroll="3,100,2";.
Also, I think I'd remove overflow="scroll";, since you've already fixed the position of the main menu it's not likely to hit the bottom of the window.
Poster: SimpleSimon
Dated: Thursday December 4 2003 - 14:43:20 GMT
Have made the changes as well as adding my new licence number...unfortunately no difference, error is still there but with different error dialogue!
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday December 4 2003 - 14:49:00 GMT
I have just loaded your page at least 10 times without seeing the error once. Don't know what to tell you now - it works with no errors (here, anyway). XP Pro/IE6.
Thank you for adding the license number!
Still NOT happening
Poster: SimpleSimon
Dated: Friday December 5 2003 - 6:59:49 GMT
I have gone over my pages a 100 times and they still have the error. IE sometimes loads it fine but shows the error message in bottom left corner of browser window. When i "debug" MS script editor definitly goes to line 16 of mmenudom.js. I have same error from completely different machine, pages load fine but IE shows "error on page"
Images of error messages/dialogues can be found here.
You help is very much appreciated. I cannot show this to the bosses until i know it owrks, they are not convinced of the use of our website and it would be a disaster if i showed them and it did not work

Poster: John
Dated: Friday December 5 2003 - 20:03:54 GMT
Still not seeing the problem here.
Not sure about this, but try a # in front of your hex color specs for the oncolor and offcolor statements in the aI.
Poster: bobwill
Dated: Saturday December 6 2003 - 17:59:15 GMT
jgillett, I have seen you use the refence to the "followscroll' command several times with three parameters. I have looked for the use of the command in the menu guides and it only has one parameter. followscroll=1, to set the scrolling effect.
Is this a case where the user manuals do not match the command usage?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday December 6 2003 - 22:57:34 GMT
I tried to go to the link using IE 5.0 not only do I get the
Char 2367
Error '_M.22' is not an object
My browser freezes solid with that error message box and I have to do ctrl alt del end task to get out. I tried it twice to see if it happened a second time. It did
In Opera 6 [set as identify as MSIE 5.0} I get the following message. A script on this page failed to execute and page may not display properly
name: TypeError
message: Value on left hand side of [...] is not convertible to Object: _M
and no menu appears at all at the left top as on the other browsers
I get no error messages in Netscape 6 or 7
Just thought I'd give what info I got when I went.
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday December 7 2003 - 2:02:48 GMT
Found an old copy of IE5.2.3 (Mac), and I still do not get the error. I'll try it again when I get back to work (IE6).
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday December 7 2003 - 2:06:26 GMT
bobwill wrote:
Is this a case where the user manuals do not match the command usage?
More a case of the manuals haven't caught up with the program yet.
See for an explanation of the usage.