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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21
Two menus using "include" command
Poster: inhymndave
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 3:05:13 BST
I just downloaded the menu this week and have it working very well. I have two problems, however.
1.) I have the menu working in a horizontal mode and nested in a centered table using the PlaceMenu command. I have my page margins set at 23 to give my pages a nice offset look, but the menu is causing a green line (The background color of the menu) to run down the left edge of the page at about 21 pixels from the left edge of the screen. How can I correct that?
2.) The above menu and an identical but vertical menu are on separate pages, but I use the "Include" command to bring them as my header and left column to all of my pages. I use Front Page and this has proven to be much more stable than the shared borders. The problem is that I get the "stack overflow" message. I am only using one mmenu.js and I tried eliminating the first line of script from each of the _array.js files. I still get the script overflow message but one of the scripts will run ok.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 16:07:55 BST
For best help always provide a URL so we can see what's happening and also look at your code.
URLS for the work!
Poster: inhymndave
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 22:15:21 BST
Thanks jgillett!
I should have done that before.
The Url for the menu in the left column is:
For the header:
They will be placed on the page using the includes command as in:
except that I have substituted two other menus for now.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 22:50:06 BST
Couple problems right away...
If at all possible, GET RID OF FRONT PAGE OK, I feel better now.
It does, very quietly and behind your back, terrible things to your code. For instance...
<body topmargin=" leftmargin=" bgcolor="#002B00" 23" 23">
That is not valid markup for this tag. Guess who did it...
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --><script language=javascript>PlaceMenu("Mainmenu2") </script> <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
Why in the world do you need a bot in the way just to place a script call (not "you" as such - FP)? Trust me, it takes over.
Just a suggestion, but try not to use the charset=windows-1252 meta. That's not the only gang out here. A better one is...
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
It's more generic. Won't change your page, other than more folks will be able to look at it.
Other than the above mentioned items, is there a problem with the side menu? It appears to work OK (and FP hasn't messed up your <body> yet!).
Try cleaning up that header page in something other than you-know-what if you can. Then we'll go from there.
Still have the problem!
Poster: inhymndave
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 6:28:48 BST
I fixed the things you said. I am hopelessly lost, however, without FP.
Yes, the menu2.htm works fine and so does the header except for the green stripe. The problem comes when I call both these pages up as includes on another page. I tried this on a page where I had no other javascript and I still get the stack overflow message, so I am sure that they are not interacting with anything else. I could live with the green stripe, but I don't want to.