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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:15
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 30 2003 - 1:24:36 BST
hmm, can I have my own forum for questions J/K.... OK, in 3 I used "" to make the various on/off colors and bgcolors transparent, I also used that in the separator section. I tried using it in 5 and it seems to work the same. I like it because what it does is pick up the page font color as the font color and the border color on the menus, and it picks up the page bgcolor as the bgcolor, that means it goes nice with all the pages because it changes to match the page colors. My Question is this...for some reason when it comes to the separator bar, if you choose that "" it's just not there. I'm wondering why that is the only thing that won't pick up the font color when you use the "", the border picks up the font color so I thought the separators would also do that. You can see what I mean here:
Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday August 30 2003 - 17:11:46 BST
Ruth, check your page colors in other browsers, I'm not sure we are seeing the same thing.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 30 2003 - 17:32:54 BST
Well, I've tried NN 4.08, 4.79, and Opera 6. It does the same thing as it does in my IE 5.0 Picks up the font color of the page...In NN there's no border but that's ok. The menu doesn't work at all in Opera though it renders in the same color as IE, I'm hoping that going to version 5 will fix it. I don't have the later versions of NN I tried 6 but it conflicted with something on my computer. I only have one computer by the way, and I'm home bound, so I don't have access to other computers. I did post in the Version 3 section asking if people could check and let me know if there were major problems in the rendering, but I guess most are busy trying to get their own menus up. So, I don't know what you're seeing that's wrong.