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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:15
text swap onMouseover
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 30 2003 - 17:17:23 BST
On version 3 I have a part of the menu that I've put in font changes and an image and a text swap. I can get all but the text swap to work in version 5. Can someone help? I have the <.script> code in the head necessary for the 'function'.
<span onMouseOut=\"changeText(this,'<font color=CC99FF>Check</font> <font color=33CCFF>them</font> <font color=666666>out!</font>')\" onMouseOver=\"changeText(this,'Very Versatile')\"><font color=CC99FF>Check</font> <font color=33CCFF>them</font> <font color=666666>out!</font></span>"," target=_new",,,0
You can see it here, mouseover the last link ~Milonic Menus~ [version 3]