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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:19

Tables, and IE, and Netscape OH MY!

Poster: jbensous
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 16:45:21 BST

OK, I am just now starting to work with this menu. I cannot get the menu to load in my table cell. Can someone please help me with this? I looked at the sample code, but it is using java, how do I do this with dhtml code? And where exactly do I change the absolute to relative in the mmenu file? I tried changing it everywhere and then my menu did this weird "step ladder" type display.

Also, whilst testing the modifications, I was able to get the menu to point to an iFrame, and able to create multiple style definitions, and build my menu; however, for some reason my menu only work sin Netscape Navigator. In IE6 it only shows up on the page as a tiny tiny little line (Like maybe 3 pixs in length). Why would that happen? I have gone through the code and everything is the way it is supposed to be and I am using the version 5 mmenu.

The menu is on this page; however, you won't see it if you try to view it using IE. ARGH! Can someone help me please, I have been working on this forever! Am I doing something wrong?

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 17:23:42 BST

You are actually using version 3.5 of the menu, which is WAY behind the current version, which is 5.0. Get the latest at by signing up (free) and downloading the newest version. Let us know when you got that all and it should work then. I didnt investigate further because I suppose you want to upgrade first. :) Good luck on the upgrade, you'll be glad you did.

Poster: jbensous
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 17:39:24 BST

Actually I did use 5 as I had converted the older 3.5, but when I did that the menu didn't show up at all. So I went back to my 3.5 version. Argh! Would the version 5 not work with my old array file?

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 19:15:29 BST

Thats exactly it, the version 3 and version 5 menu data files have totally different formats. You need to convert your files over. You can go to and that should take care of your conversion problems.

Poster: jbensous
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 19:36:55 BST

I went to download the sample for table embedding and it came up fine.... only for some reason the first drop down menu doesn't drop down. I haven't altered any code, it is the code straight from the site. Before I set to modeling mine after this could you please tell me why the sample code does not work for me? Everything else drops down with no worries, it appears to be just the first drop down menu after home.

First drop down.....doesn't!

Poster: rcranswick
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2003 - 14:20:31 BST

I too downloaded the v5 sample menu and I am also experiencing the problem where the first drop down menu item embedded in a table cell does nothing....all the others are fine.

The sample is copied directly from the Milonic examples.

I originally thought it may be an issue with nested tables but I tried placing the menu in the top table of my website but I still experienced the same problem. I have read and understand that the menu in table cells is a work in progress but it works on the milonic site.

See the example at

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2003 - 14:38:13 BST

I am not sure why, but its because its the first menu declared in the menu_data file. To temporarily fix it, copy one of the menus definitions and paste it above the samples definition and rename it to something...then delete all but one menuitem from this 'dummy' menu. This dummy menu won't be used at all but it will make the samples menu work. I think this may be a bug. Andy?

The reason Andy's worked is I believe he has a menu declared above his sample menus so it works.

First drop down...bug?!

Poster: rcranswick
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2003 - 14:58:26 BST

That seems to be it and would seem to be a bug.

Thanks for that...well spotted.