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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21
Support for Opera
Poster: Opera
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 0:20:28 BST
Tell me the reason why your DHTML Menu is designed to fail with Opera. When Opera is detected certain Javascript tells Opera to display the menu wrong or not at all. Why is this and what are you doing immediately to solve this problem affecting many of us?
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 5:06:04 BST
Personally, I think your attitude is piss poor. I have Opera 7.11 installed on my machine and the v3 and new version 5 of the menu render just fine. And you have the nerve to come on here and act as if you're personally insulted that the menu isn't working for you. Stick around alittle and you'll soon find out there is a developer here who would gladly get the menu to work on most any mainstream browser. But the other side of the coin is he doesn't owe you anything, so you really shouldn't come across the way you did in asking why the menu does not work in Opera, which in fact it does. Give a us a version number, a URL, something to prove to someone that what you're experiencing is actually factual.
And secondly your poll is rude. If you're going to post a poll, make it fair and give users the ability to express their views. Not everyone is in bed with the Opera browser, so let them express it.
This is a community oriented forum based around helping others to use a great menu product to improve their sites. Show some respect and you shall receive some respect. Please make an effort to be more polite and contribute.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 8:53:53 BST
I agree. And I've got Opera version 6.05 and so far all that I've checked works in it. This is a great forum and place to get help. Everyone has been incredibly nice and puts up with my lack of knowledge. Even when I try to help and my suggestions are probably way too basic given my level of knowledge. But, no one has ever made me feel unwelcome. Kudos to all you guys and many thanks.
Perhaps the problem isn't the menu but however 'OPERA" has the browser set????
Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 10:54:57 BST
I agree with Ruth and Dave.
I use Opera on my V3 and V5 menus and I have no problems.
Poster: run4it
Dated: Monday August 30 2004 - 23:28:01 BST
Can someone tell me how they got v3 menus to work in Opera? My top menu links are all bunched up on each other.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 31 2004 - 2:37:55 BST
You would need to give some information on which Opera version, which version 3 of the menu. Milonic no longer supports version 3 since it is so far lower than the newest directions in browsers and internet development, but there may be someone who still uses version 3 that can help here, I'd say it might be a width issue someplace in the menu_array.js file. If you can I would upgrade to version 5 it does so many many more things and gives you a lot of options not available in v3. If you decide to upgrade, make sure you keep your version 3 as is and saved so it will be usuable until you get 5 working, then:
1. Take download version5 of the menu to a folder on your computer.
2. Take your version 3 menu_array.js file and go to the menu conversion tool and convert that file to version 5. For the most part it converts really nice. There may be a few little items that have to be fixed, but usually they are minor. The file in the sample you download that is the example is called menu_data.js but you can name this converted file what you want. I named my first conversion file v3_converted.js that way I knew what it was.
3. Read all the readme and .txt files that come with the download of the menu.
4. Check out the Beginners' Guide Section of the forum which has some information for those who have not used version 5.
Poster: run4it
Dated: Tuesday August 31 2004 - 16:03:22 BST
Thank you Ruth. I am a government employee and the menu is on an old intranet that I decided to rework to be more cross browser compliant. The powers that be won't pay for the upgrade.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 31 2004 - 18:44:39 BST
It's too bad about not getting the upgrade, it's pretty inexpensive in my view, around $45, depends on the exchange rate at the time of purchase. sometimes less, sometimes a bit more. I'm sorry there's no help for v3 but I no longer have a copy, as I said it sounds like something in a width someplace.