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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21
Submenu Scrollbar
Poster: blueEinstein1
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 19:35:34 BST
I thought I'd seen a sample of a submenu with scrollbar somewhere. I can't find it now...
Has anyone done this before? Looking at the forum, it seems that this has been an open issue for a long time.
Also, if this is impossible, does auto "pagination" work with submenus? Meaning, if I have 50 items in it, and I want to do by chunks of 10. And just display a "More>" to display further submenus?
Re: Submenu Scrollbar
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 20:02:50 BST
blueEinstein1 wrote:
I thought I'd seen a sample of a submenu with scrollbar somewhere. I can't find it now...
Move up to v5. It's where all new development will be, anyway.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 5:14:49 BST
As John suggested, I would also say v5 is your better bet. But if you want to stick with v3, I haven't seen an example with scroll bars in it ( dont think v3 supports it either), but why not try putting an iframe in the menu....hmm?
I've never tried such a thing, but at least you can set its size and give it the ability to scroll. It might not give you the ablities you are looking for, but try thinking outside of the box, maybe you can think of a way around a scroll bar. Ehh...just my thoughts.
Poster: blueEinstein1
Dated: Thursday August 21 2003 - 18:36:01 BST
I migrated to v5; scrollbars are excellent.
Except in the case when one "intentionally" scales the browser window smaller, it tends to give some weird reactions.
Example: ( I don't have URL yet )
- I have a submenu on the bottom of the screen.
- I scale the browser to a smaller size.
- I hover on the menu.
- It expands the page "size" vertically... now i see a big white area at the bottom which wasn't there before.
I'll try to capture the image for better explanation.
Poster: blueEinstein1
Dated: Thursday August 21 2003 - 18:36:56 BST
I forgot to indicate; I was referring to v5 on my previous comment.
Poster: kunalgoyal
Dated: Friday September 5 2003 - 7:08:05 BST
Hi Whenever I use the DHTML topmenu4 as a horizontal navigation it introduces a scroll bar on my web page even when there is hardly any content on the page. The moment I put my mouse over the menus very quickly and especially one of menu called contractors, If i take my mouse over that and then do mouse over on another sub-menu delivery info , the scroll bar becomes short and then the scroll bar from the page disappears, Please advice what do I do as it Looks very Odd : to Get a better picture of what exactly Iam saying please visit:
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday September 5 2003 - 17:58:14 BST
Please keep your posts to one thread...its easier to answer questions that way and people will be more likely to answer them. As I said in the last post, cant view the menu as your permissions are set on them to deny access. Also, notice you have a very large image on your page and there would be scrollbars if the browser window was too small. To continue with this post, please post to your original topic...thanks.