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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:19
Placement of Menu
Poster: webwizard
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 1:14:35 BST
I am in the process of redesigning our church website. I have set up two test pages within the site where I want to use the Milonic Menu (version 5). The first page which will be the basic setup of all pages except for the main entry page seems to be working OK. I would however like to be able to have the menu bar fit the entire width of the browser window. Is there a way to do that?
The 2nd page is the main entry page to our site. I would like to be able to place the vertical menu in the table cell on the far left side of the table. Is there a way to do that. I have tried but it keeps appearing at the top of the page. (Main entry page for site) (Vertical menu system)
I was able to set up a template using the menu bar within the cell for use with all pages except the main entry page. Any help would be appreciated.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 19:44:01 BST
For the menu to stretch across the page, there are two things you can do. The first is fake it using images. I explain how I've done it in the past with this post (way back in the old v3 days)
The other way is other trick. I am sure Andy has/will put in a feature to make it stretch the whole page, but in the mean time, I've done this. When you declare the items for your top menu, put one more menu item as the last item and make it this...
aI("text= ;itemwidth=100%;onbgcolor=#e7e7e7;oncursor=default");
And this just makes a menu cell to stretch from the last item to the end of the page. The onbgcolor is the same as my background and the cursor is set to stay the default so that when you mouse over it, it doesnt look like a menu item. This works but the only problem is it doesnt quite go right to the edges. Maybe you can mess with margins and stuff. But I think using alittle trickery from my first option can help with the edges. Best of luck to you. 
Poster: webwizard
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 22:14:28 BST
Thanks Dave,
I added a semi-colon after the text= and it works fine. Now if I can figure out the other, I'll be in good shape.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Saturday August 16 2003 - 3:05:50 BST
Oh no that didnt render right, because I forget text that looks like HTML mark up will render, that space after text was supposed to be a non-breaking space. So it should read text= ;....but if it worked with out, then great!
The answer to your other problem is PlaceMenu("menuname"). You set your menu you want to appear in the table to alwaysvisible=0 and then in the table cell you want the menu attached to, you put
I THINK this is for version 5, jumping back and forth between forums and helping in both gets confusing