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Taken From The Forum: Anything Goes
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:15

Notify of new posts

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 30 2003 - 4:48:42 BST

I might be 'mis' remembering this but I think I only used to get notification of new posts if I wasn't the one who posted the original topic. Now I'm getting notification if I respond to a post in response to my original topic. [boy that sounds convoluted] Hmm, let's see. OK, I post a topic, someone replies, I get notified. I go and read and then reply to's MY topic, yet now I'm getting notification that I posted something. Is that how it's always been? I think I'm going nuts. :lol: Time to go play Yahtzee!