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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:17
Poster: chrisp
Dated: Tuesday August 26 2003 - 13:02:33 BST
The menu is really confusing me, but I really want one on my site so I'm going to persist. Thought you guys could help me out.
Here is what I have done so far :
i) Chosen what menu I wanted (Horizontal Navigation Bar)
ii) Downloaded the zip file, and unzipped the files to my selected folder
iii) Edited the 'menu_data' file in Notepad, and previewed the 'menu.html' file until I got the desired look.
So Ive now got the menu how I want to look, but what do I do now? These are the questions I really need answering...
- Does my WebHost have to support any particular things ie. PHP, XHTML, FTP ?
- Do I upload the files unzipped from the initial download to my WebSpace?
- What is the code I need to put on my page in order for the menu to show up on my page, and where must it be placed? ie. In between the <head> </head> ?
- Can I change the width of the menu, as ideally I would like it set to a specific width
Thanks to anyone who is willing to help!
Chris (15)
Re: Newbie...
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday August 26 2003 - 15:50:06 BST
chrisp wrote:
- Does my WebHost have to support any particular things ie. PHP, XHTML, FTP ?
All hosts support XHTML (it's just another flavor of HTML) and FTP (otherwise you couldn't upload your files to the server!). As for PHP, no, unless you're using it to write your menus (but I suspect not).
chrisp wrote:
- Do I upload the files unzipped from the initial download to my WebSpace?
chrisp wrote:
- What is the code I need to put on my page in order for the menu to show up on my page, and where must it be placed? ie. In between the <head> </head> ?
Do a view source on the menu.htm file that's in the download. That will show you the calls. As for where, either in the <head>, or as the first item after the <body>.
chrisp wrote:
- Can I change the width of the menu, as ideally I would like it set to a specific width
Yes. Check the extensive examples on the main site to see that and get some more ideas as well.
Poster: chrisp
Dated: Tuesday August 26 2003 - 16:09:00 BST
Thankyou so much JGillet! My menu is now up and everything!
But I still don't really know what to do about the width settings...
Ive looked around the main site, but I cant really see anything that allows me to set the exact width for the main menu, or the submenus. It may be right in front of me, I dunno- But I cant find it...
So could somebody tell me either where I can find the info, or um- just post it here... I doubt (and am hopeful), that it is that difficult... Just a small code Id guess. Thanks for your help once agen
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Tuesday August 26 2003 - 21:39:24 BST
hey you said just a small code id. But thats the missing link...if you look in the 'menu quick reference' page or the 'menu item quick reference' page, you will see this property. Also, I've explained how to use it a couple times, do a search of the forum for 'itemwidth' with the author being 'Hergio' and you will see examples. Good luck with the menu, it will be well worth it. And purchase a license if necessary because all the money you can throw at this guy is helpful! hehe