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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
Milonic Menu + other JavaScripts
Poster: TinoG
Dated: Sunday August 3 2003 - 1:31:17 BST
i am testing the to add a ilayer javascript in a html site with the dhtml milonic menu. but only the ilayer javascript is working. if i remove the ilayer java the menu works fine.
the ilayer works with a
the milonic menu works with a window.onload too.
i know that both order can be put in the body tag. like:
<body onload="dothis();dothat()">
but it dosent work, cause the onload from the menu is in the mmenu.js file.
can anyone help me?
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday August 4 2003 - 2:16:01 BST
Here's what I would try...
Look in the source file where its setting functions to be called from the onLoad event. Remove them, but remember what its doing. Then in your onLoad attribute of your body tag, paste what you need done AND what the menu needs to be done. It doesn't matter where you specify what should be called from the onLoad event, since it always gets called after the page loads. Whats happenin in your case is the onLoad event is getting overwritten by the menu, or by you, whomever does it last. It might be easiest to create a function that gets called from the onLoad event. And INSIDE of that function you so all that you need to do, plus what the menu needs.
Best of Luck!