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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21
Is a top of page anchor link within the menu possible?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday August 10 2003 - 3:17:40 BST
Is there a way to put an anchor link within the menu that just goes to the top of whichever page on which the menu is being utilized? I tried using #, that does nothing, so then I tried using that with target=_top, that actually ends up being a regular link back to the index page on the site. I don't know how to write code but after reading a bunch of things on here and elsewhere I was wondering if it would be an onclick code of some kind or maybe a function....and I'd have no idea how to write it, something about function, onclick go to the top of the page? Then put it in the link place to run when it's clicked. I think that's how those work....
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday August 11 2003 - 4:17:48 BST
Ok i figured this one out...when you put the # sign in there by itself, I am guessing andy's code see's it as you are trying to make that link do nothing, so he does not insert any type of hyperlink. You'll notice the cursor doesn't even turn into a hand when you mouse over such links. Instead of the "#", put in something like "#top". That will make it scroll to the top of the page. You don't have to have any anchor in the page called 'top' because if the browser cant find an anchor, it stays at the top. If you have a spot in the page you would rather the menu move the page to, then put an anchor there and reference that. But what I mentioned should make it scroll to the top all the time. Best of luck!