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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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IE 5.0 - Submenu offsets are not working - ASAP

Poster: levelk
Dated: Wednesday August 27 2003 - 17:26:38 BST


I have a problem with submenus in Ms IE 5.0 only; all other browsers have been working fine so far.

My main menu is centered on the webpage using a combination of the "center:top" and a top offset. The submenus are supposed to appear directly below the images (offsets -1,1) - but instead what I am seeing in IE5 is that the first-level submenus appear along the left of the browser window and the second-level submenus appear far out to the right, usually off-screen.


The code for the dropdown menus are in the menu_dropdowns.js file. I will be glad to open discussion channels with someone who can assist me ASAP - via telephone or email, just contact me.

The site with this bug is currently LIVE and is therefore a very pressing issue.


thomas __at__

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 27 2003 - 18:41:17 BST

You've removed all the comments from the menu (not allowed by license) so I can't see what version you're running. Current in v3 is 3.5.15. If you're not there I'd suggest updating first.

Also, in XP Pro/IE6 I'm not seeing a full-width main menu; i.e., your menu names are cut off in mid-word.

Poster: levelk
Dated: Wednesday August 27 2003 - 20:46:19 BST

The version is 3.5.15. Comments were removed after purchasing license - assumed that only free usage of code had to keep it.

The problem you describe about the non-full-width menu is a second glitch with the menu, although it is rarer, and seems to be with all browsers I've tried. Just do a refresh or click on another menu link, you will see the same main-menu with drop downs. Do not know what causes this. Very irritating.

A third glitch can be found at this page: Company --> Locations (/company/locations.htm). In the first paragraph there is a link to a "Map" page, and along the right-hand side of the site there is a side navigation (menu). When the browser is resized, there are some widths that cause the text link to be "blocked" by the menu layer! Experiment - you won't believe it when you get it.

Please, any and all help/suggestions are welcomed!


Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 3:39:38 BST

Can't help with the first problem, as I do not have IE 5. But I would say upgrade your menu version to 5 to fix it.

Secondly, to maybe help correct the images in your menus getting cut off, try setting the width attribute of the img tags. you just have src set in them, so when the menu renders, the images aren't there to push out the menu and make it the right size, so they are small. Then the images finally appear but the menu layers are already too small. The reason on refresh it works is because the images are now in memory and load before the menu renders, and it knows how big to render. Give it a width.

Thirdly for the 'nav' menu you have, I wouldn't recommend using the menu for that. I dont see the menu's functionality being use there, its not a drop down, so why waste the resources on it. Just make a table with on/off mouseovers in the cells that switch the class of the cell from 'hot' to 'not', if you get what I mean, and that will make it do what it looks like it does now.

Hope I helped some!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 4:37:09 BST

I have IE 5 [to be exact 5.00.2614.3500] and had the same problem. I don't think it happens in the other versions, but not sure, it doesn't happen in NN 4.79 which is the onlyversion of that I have. The only fix I found for IE 5 was to actually put a width in for the submenus, {whatever the widest image is, since you are using images} then it works fine.


- as to the comments, I believe that the copyright notice part of the comments must remain intact-

Finally, I am also getting a javascript error in IE 5 which won't let me even use the links. When I try on mouseover I get a line 'whatever' character 'whatever' error: underfinded is undefined. Since it appears twice for each mouseover I try, I'm assuming it has to do with the swapimage part, but don't know?

Ruth :D

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 15:07:17 BST

I don't have IE5 to test with, either, but I do agree with Dave on your nav menu. Do a simple rollover with Dreamweaver.

Also, just FYI, your pages are taking a long time to load on my high speed connections.