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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
How to make the menus not hidden by flash
Poster: kerpogi
Dated: Monday August 4 2003 - 9:34:38 BST
Was just wondering if anyone out there can help point out to me the steps i need to take to make my sub-menus appear on top of any flash animation, instead of being covered underneath the flash animation.
I see this is a general concern, I hope someone can figure this one out and help me.
Poster: topachou
Dated: Saturday August 16 2003 - 21:01:25 BST
Look for "wmode flash" in google.
You have to set the flash movie background in transparent mode.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday August 17 2003 - 6:26:24 BST
Out of curiosity is there a way for the menu to show over an applet? v5 or v3x
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 14:14:49 BST
Agreed, topachou. Re applets, I think because applets are a separate entity from the page they are not really accessible through the DOM. So increasing the menus x-index above that of the applet I think is not possible. But I would love it if I could stand corrected.