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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20
Horizontal Menu should stay at the bottom and follow - how?
Poster: McTristan
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 16:25:31 BST
Hello Community,
I managed it in version 3.x but it seems almost impossible for version 5.x:
Look at the example and the following piece of code:
_scrollAmount=3 // Used for Netscape 4 scrolling
_scrollDelay=20 // Used for Netscape 4 scrolling
_menuCloseDelay=500 // The delay for menus to remain visible on mouse off
_menuOpenDelay=50 // The delay for opening menus on mouse over
//_followSpeed=0 // Follow Scrolling speed (higher number makes the scrolling smoother but slower)
//_followRate=0 // Follow Scrolling Rate (use a minimum of 40 or you may experience problems)
//_followSpeed=5; // Follow Scrolling speed
//_followRate=40; // Follow Scrolling Rate
_subOffsetTop=5; // Sub menu offset Top position
_subOffsetLeft=6; // Sub menu offset Left position
with(mainStyle=new mm_style()){
onbgcolor = "#4b0082";
oncolor = "#ffebdc";
offbgcolor = "#ccccff";
offcolor = "navy";
bordercolor = "black";
borderstyle = "solid";
separatorcolor = "black";
separatorsize = 1;
padding = 4
//onborder="2px solid black"
fontsize = "75%";
fontstyle = "normal";
fontweight = "normal";
fontfamily = "verdana, tahoma, arial";
high3dcolor = null; // Not sure if this will be included in final release
low3dcolor = null; // Not sure if this will be included in final release
pagecolor = "purple";
pagebgcolor = "pink";
topbarimage = "images/arrowdn.gif";
topbarimageloc = "center;middle"
subimage="images/arrowup.gif"; /// <-- Heres the reg arrow
subimageloc = "right;middle"
overfilter="Alpha(style=0,opacity=75);Shadow(color='#666666', Direction=135, Strength=4)";
outfilter="randomdissolve(duration=0.2);Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)";
//ondecoration = "underline"
//onbold = true;
//onitalic = true;
with(milonic=new menuname("mainmenu2")){_c=1
//top = 0;
//left = 160;
borderwidth = 1;
screenposition = "center;bottom";
style = mainStyle;
alwaysvisible = 1;
//filter = null;
followscroll = 1;
//keepalive = 1;
//overallwidth = null;
//righttoleft = null;
//openonclick = null;
aI("itemwidth=35;text=Home;url=main.php;status=Zurück zur Hauptseite");
aI("itemwidth=100;offbgcolor=#ff0000;onbgcolor=#ff8080;offcolor=#ffffff;oncolor=black;text=<strong>Suchen&Finden</strong>;showmenu=searchandfind;status=Suchen und Finden Sie Rabattangebotte, Sportvereine und Mitgliedsfirmen von nsw24 - ganz schnell und bequem!");
aI("itemwidth=90;text=Navigation;showmenu=navigation;status=Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht aller Bereiche dieser Webseite!");
aI("itemwidth=100;text=Das sind wir;showmenu=uebernsw24;status=Hier finden Sie alles rund um nsw24!");
aI("itemwidth=100;text=Kontakt & AGBs;showmenu=kontakt;status=Hier finden Sie Kontaktinformationen und die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der nsw24 GmbH");
aI("itemwidth=100;text=Eventkalender;url=JavaScript:newWindow(\"/liste_events.php?Action=ListEvents&Typ=1\",\"events\",675,480,\"scrollbars=yes,resizable=no\");status=Veranstaltungskalender der nsw24 GmbH");
aI("itemwidth=75;text=Impressum;url=JavaScript:newWindow(\"impressum.php\",\"impressum\",640,580,\"scrollbars=no,resizable=yes\");status=Impressum der nsw24 GmbH");
aI("itemwidth=60;text=Sitemap;url=#;status=Sitemap der Onlinepräsenz der nsw24 GmbH");
_scrollDelay=20 // Used for Netscape 4 scrolling
_menuCloseDelay=500 // The delay for menus to remain visible on mouse off
_menuOpenDelay=50 // The delay for opening menus on mouse over
//_followSpeed=0 // Follow Scrolling speed (higher number makes the scrolling smoother but slower)
//_followRate=0 // Follow Scrolling Rate (use a minimum of 40 or you may experience problems)
//_followSpeed=5; // Follow Scrolling speed
//_followRate=40; // Follow Scrolling Rate
_subOffsetTop=5; // Sub menu offset Top position
_subOffsetLeft=6; // Sub menu offset Left position
with(mainStyle=new mm_style()){
onbgcolor = "#4b0082";
oncolor = "#ffebdc";
offbgcolor = "#ccccff";
offcolor = "navy";
bordercolor = "black";
borderstyle = "solid";
separatorcolor = "black";
separatorsize = 1;
padding = 4
//onborder="2px solid black"
fontsize = "75%";
fontstyle = "normal";
fontweight = "normal";
fontfamily = "verdana, tahoma, arial";
high3dcolor = null; // Not sure if this will be included in final release
low3dcolor = null; // Not sure if this will be included in final release
pagecolor = "purple";
pagebgcolor = "pink";
topbarimage = "images/arrowdn.gif";
topbarimageloc = "center;middle"
subimage="images/arrowup.gif"; /// <-- Heres the reg arrow
subimageloc = "right;middle"
overfilter="Alpha(style=0,opacity=75);Shadow(color='#666666', Direction=135, Strength=4)";
outfilter="randomdissolve(duration=0.2);Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)";
//ondecoration = "underline"
//onbold = true;
//onitalic = true;
with(milonic=new menuname("mainmenu2")){_c=1
//top = 0;
//left = 160;
borderwidth = 1;
screenposition = "center;bottom";
style = mainStyle;
alwaysvisible = 1;
//filter = null;
followscroll = 1;
//keepalive = 1;
//overallwidth = null;
//righttoleft = null;
//openonclick = null;
aI("itemwidth=35;text=Home;url=main.php;status=Zurück zur Hauptseite");
aI("itemwidth=100;offbgcolor=#ff0000;onbgcolor=#ff8080;offcolor=#ffffff;oncolor=black;text=<strong>Suchen&Finden</strong>;showmenu=searchandfind;status=Suchen und Finden Sie Rabattangebotte, Sportvereine und Mitgliedsfirmen von nsw24 - ganz schnell und bequem!");
aI("itemwidth=90;text=Navigation;showmenu=navigation;status=Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht aller Bereiche dieser Webseite!");
aI("itemwidth=100;text=Das sind wir;showmenu=uebernsw24;status=Hier finden Sie alles rund um nsw24!");
aI("itemwidth=100;text=Kontakt & AGBs;showmenu=kontakt;status=Hier finden Sie Kontaktinformationen und die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der nsw24 GmbH");
aI("itemwidth=100;text=Eventkalender;url=JavaScript:newWindow(\"/liste_events.php?Action=ListEvents&Typ=1\",\"events\",675,480,\"scrollbars=yes,resizable=no\");status=Veranstaltungskalender der nsw24 GmbH");
aI("itemwidth=75;text=Impressum;url=JavaScript:newWindow(\"impressum.php\",\"impressum\",640,580,\"scrollbars=no,resizable=yes\");status=Impressum der nsw24 GmbH");
aI("itemwidth=60;text=Sitemap;url=#;status=Sitemap der Onlinepräsenz der nsw24 GmbH");
In Mozilla the menu is wandering from the middle of the screen to the top - in IE6 the whole menu seems as it can't decide where to stay and goes up and down for quite a while - then it is finally going upwards to the top - which is of course wrong.
Any help would be appreciated ... if you want I can also give you the 3.x source if this would help ?!
Poster: McTristan
Dated: Sunday August 17 2003 - 21:48:10 BST
The problem of the wandering menu was solved in RC6 but the problem with "menu-should-stay-at-the-bottom-and-should-follow-scrolling-at-the-bottom"-problem was still not resolved.
As I understand the description of FollowScroll it is only meant for top or vertical aligned menu ... my menu however should stay at the horizontal bottom.
In Version 3.x it worked fine but in version 5.x there is a no go - even with the menu-converter (in case i made a mistake while converting it by hand).
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 14:25:08 BST
Why the menu is not adhearing to the bottom command is an issue that I think andy may have to address. Looking at the documentation, bottom is a valid command for screen position. Have you tried to get a menu to hang at the bottom with a very simple menu to start?
Poster: McTristan
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 18:05:39 BST
Yes I tested it also with the sample-menu of the online-documentation, all my work so far as based on this example.
It just ignores "bottom" if follow-scroll is true - the menu stays at the top but not at the bottom as it should stay (as far as I understand it - it used to work in version 3.x this way - maybe it was only a bug in version 3.x?! - a very usefull one though...) ...