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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21

Frameset in a Frame

Poster: teacue
Dated: Thursday August 7 2003 - 11:04:59 BST


I am enthusiastic about the Menu an would gladly use it and pay for it.
Unfortunately after 3 days searching and trying, I am still not able to make it work.
I already have searched the forum and though this question has been asked before, I couldnt see a real complete answer to this.
So I ask and apologize if the answer is to be found on the forum, I could not find it.

The structure of my website

First there is a welcome page.
A link opens then the following:

A frameset with an upper frame called "NavFrame" for the navigation and a lower frame called "Hauptframe" for content

Some contents are single documents opening in the lower frame called "Hauptframe"

But the most contents consists of 12 framesets (a kind of "Container" frameset)
Each of these "Container" framesets have a left frame for navigation and a right frame for contents
So each of these 12 left frames has a own name, each of these 12 right frames has a own name

The Menu should be on the upper "NavFrame" and the submenu should open in the lower "Hauptframe" that is sometimes a single document and most of the time a Frameset.

I had no success trying to adapt the menu "Frames menu sample".
I am able to make it work when just opening a single document but not when I open a frameset.
I insert the script in every document I try to open but without result, the submenu does not appear.

I also found a "loadMultiFrames" function on the forum but it seems to me that I would have to change the whole structure of the site, as I already have these "container" framesets.
I mostly get confused about the name to be given to the target in the array.js file

My questions are:

1. Is it anyway possible to use Menu within such a frameset structure?

2. If yes, which name do I have to use for the target and source frames?

3. As I said before, I took care to insert the script in the body of all the document that should be open but it does not work, what could be wrong?

4. Could someone give tips about how I have to manage this?

5. Trying to understand how the original "Frames menu sample" is working, I noticed that after changing the name of the frame "main" to an other name in the file "index.htm" and in in the file frames_header_array.js" the original example does not work anymore. Why?


Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 8:56:12 BST

I'm currently using V3 and frames on my site, but I intend to move to IFRAMES V5 as soon as possible.

I have two frames, called Header and Body, and my JS files are header.js and body.js and I haven't had a problem.

I'm not very experienced as some of the other guys on here who will no doubt provide the answers you seek, but maybe looking at my site will help in the interim?


Poster: teacue
Dated: Friday August 8 2003 - 11:17:53 BST

Thanks for your answer Andy,

I had a look to your site, and indeed it works fine.

But the problem I try to solve is a little bit different as I am trying to open a frameset in another frameset and not only a document in a frame.
I am also able to get it work the way you do it on your site.

Unfortunately the whole structure of my site is based on opening a frameset within another frameset.
And that is exactly what I am not able to make it work.

I slowly come to the conclusion that it is simply not possible to "mix" differents framesets.
So probably the solution would be to create a completely new structure :-(

Thanks again and regards