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Taken From The Forum: Anything Goes
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16
date and time in html as well as the underline in links
Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 2:13:39 BST
i'm new in doing the html stuff... can anyone please tell me how can i add date and time in using html code and how about the underline in links how can i remove them using html code without messing up with the internet options settings? thanks.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 3:52:56 BST
Do a search on google about javascript and outputting the current date and will definetly find info on that. Also to remove underlines from links, do another search on google for "CSS and text-decoration". You will find PLENTY of code examples and tutorials.