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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16
can this menu cause HTML page to be blank???
Poster: alongnion
Dated: Wednesday August 27 2003 - 23:49:59 BST
Okay, this is kind of strange. I've been using the version 3 menu for over 6 months now on our site very effectively. Thanks for the great code. I've made some mods to some array files to allow them to be database-driven dynamic menus (using ColdFusion).
So, with the dynamically create code below, I have one bug that I have not been able to either recreate or debug. The bug is only reported by a small percentage of our users, and I believe they are all using IE 6 with the latest service packs and updates. The bug is as follows:
After logging into a secure area (SSL), the pages of the secure site show the menu just fine, but for some reason the rest of the page is blank.
Now here's the code. Note that I put in the body tag so that you could see where the menu is placed exactly in my HTML. There's also some extra unecessary space created by ColdFusion between some of the array. But I would think that would kill the menu, not the rest of the HTML output... anyone ever heard of this problem, or is it something else other than this menu???
<body bgColor="white" topmargin="2" leftmargin="2" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2">
<script language="JavaScript">
Milonic DHTML Website Navigation Menu - Version 3.4
Written by Andy Woolley - Copyright 2002 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Please visit or e-mail menu3 __at__ for more information.
The Free use of this menu is only available to Non-Profit, Educational & Personal web sites.
Commercial and Corporate licenses are available for use on all other web sites & Intranets.
All Copyright notices MUST remain in place at ALL times and, please keep us informed of your
intentions to use the menu and send us your URL.
// Heavily modified by Aaron Longnion of
// aaron.longnion __at__
// The following line is critical for menu operation, and MUST APPEAR ONLY ONCE.
// If you have more than one menu_array.js file, comment out this line in
// subsequent files
// *** DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ****************************************************
menunum=0;menus=new Array();_d=document;function addmenu(){menunum++;menus[menunum]=menu;}function dumpmenus(){mt="<script language=javascript>";for(a=1;a<menus.length;a++){mt+=" menu"+a+"=menus["+a+"];"}mt+="<\/script>";_d.write(mt)}
// Please leave the above line intact
// Editable properties START here //
// Special effect string for IE5.5 or above
if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")>0)
effect = "gradientwipe(size=0.50, wipestyle=0, motion=Forward, duration=0.2);"
effect = "gradientwipe(size=0.50, wipestyle=0, motion=Forward, duration=0.2)"
// The time delay for menus to remain visible, if there's a cutoff
// Follow Scrolling speed; the lower, the faster
// Follow Scrolling Rate; the lower, the quicker
// Sub menu offset Top position
// Sub menu offset Left position
// style1 is an array of properties for menus. You can have as many property
// arrays as you need. This means that each submenu can have its own style.
// Mouse Off Font Color
// Mouse Off BG Color
// Mouse On Font Color
// Mouse On BG Color
// Menu Border Color
// Font Size (in pixels)
// Font Style (italic or normal)
// Font Weight (bold or normal)
// Font Face
"Arial, Trebuchet MS",
// Menu Item Padding (in pixels)
// Sub Menu Image Arrow (Leave this blank if not needed)
// 3D Border & Separator bar (Leave this blank if not needed)
// 3D High Color (Leave this blank if not needed)
// 3D Low Color (Leave this blank if not needed)
// Current Page Item Font Color (leave this blank to disable)
// Current Page Item Background Color (leave this blank to disable)
// Top Bar image (Leave this blank to disable)
// Menu Header Font Color (Leave blank if headers are not needed)
// Menu Header Background Color (Leave blank if headers are not needed)
// Menu Item Separator Color
// BEGIN SubDirectory MAIN MENU
// This is the array that contains your mainmenu properties and details
// Menu Name - This is needed in order for the menu to be called
// Menu Top - The Top position of the menu in pixels
// Menu Left - The Left position of the menu in pixels
// Menu Width - Menus width in pixels
// Menu Border Width
// Screen Position - here you can use "center;left;right;middle;top;bottom"
// or a combination of "center:middle"
// Properties Array - this is set higher up, as above
// Always Visible - allows the menu item to be visible at all time (1=on/0=off)
// Alignment - sets the menu elements text alignment (left, right or center)
// Filter - Text variable for setting transitional effects on menu activation
// Follow Scrolling - the menu item to follow the user down the screen (1=on/0=off)
// Horizontal Menu - the menu to be horizontal instead of vertical (1=on/0=off)
// Keep Alive - Keeps the menu visible until the user moves over another
// menu or clicks elsewhere on the page (1=on/0=off)
// Position of TOP sub image (left,center, or right)
// Set the Overall Width of Horizontal Menu to 100% and height to the
// specified amount (Leave blank to disable)
// Right To Left Text - Used in Hebrew for example. (1=on/0=off)
// Open the Menus OnClick - leave blank for OnMouseover (1=on/0=off)
// ID of the div you want to hide on MouseOver (useful for hiding form elements)
// Background image for menu when BGColor set to transparent.
// Scrollable Menu
// Reserved for future use
INSTRUCTIONS: Below is the contents of the Main Menu. DO NOT REMOVE OR ADD ANY
COMMAS, the number and sequence of commas per menu is essential. If they are
changed in any way, the entire menu will not work, and Javascript errors will
occur. For each Item on the menu:
1.) Choose the Description Text
2.) Choose the URL (if it is a header, use:"# type=header;align=center;",
if its supposed to pop out another menu, use: "show-menu=menuName",
and if its a URL, you can use relative or full link names)
3.) This is if you want the link to do two things, pop out a submenu and
send the user to the specified link. Here's an example:
"Sample Menu","show-menu=menu5","otherurl.htm",,1,
4.) Choose the Status Bar Text, which would usually be the same as the
Description Text in step 1 above
5.) For the Separator Bar, choose 1 if you want one, and 0 if you do not
6.) You're done with this menu, now copy and paste to make a new one, and
follow these same instructions for each new menu or submenu
,"<span title='to FAO Home Page'>Home</span>","?act=homePage",,"Main",1
,"<span title='to Your Account Information'>Account Info</span>","?act=acctInfo",,"Account Info",1
,"<span title='to Customize Your Counseling Options'>Customize</span>","show-menu=customize","?act=customize","Customize",1
,"<span title='to View/Download Reports'>Reports</span>","?act=reportIdx",,"Reports",1
,"<span title='to View/Download Confirmations'>Confirmations</span>","show-menu=indivConf",,"Confirmations",1
,"<span title='to Export Records'>Export</span>","index.cfm?act=ExportIdx",,"Export",1
,"<span title='to Contact Mapping Your Future'>Contact Us</span>","?act=contactUs",,"Contact Us",1
,"<span title='to Log Out of FAO Access'>Log Out</span>","?act=logoff",,"Log Out",1
// END SubDirectory MAIN MENU
// SubDirectory customize
//,"Test Questions","show-menu=custQuestions",,"Test Questions",1
//,"Counseling Graphics","show-menu=custGraphics",,"Counseling Graphics",1
,"Counseling Start Page","?act=pagemaster",,"Counseling Start Page",1
//,"Student Form","show-menu=custStudentForm",,"Student Form",1
// SubDirectory custStudentForm
,"Stafford Entrance Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=1",,,1
,"Stafford Exit Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=2",,,1
,"Perkins Entrance Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=3",,,1
,"Perkins Exit Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=4",,,1
// SubDirectory acctInfo
//,"Notification Options","show-menu=acctNotify",,"Notification Options",1
,"Assign Servicer/<br>Multi-campus Manager","?act=acctAssignment",,"Assign Servicer/Multi-campus Manager",1
//,"Notification Options","?act=acctNotify",,"Notification Options",1
<script language="JavaScript1.1" src="mmenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
Milonic DHTML Website Navigation Menu - Version 3.4
Written by Andy Woolley - Copyright 2002 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Please visit or e-mail menu3 __at__ for more information.
The Free use of this menu is only available to Non-Profit, Educational & Personal web sites.
Commercial and Corporate licenses are available for use on all other web sites & Intranets.
All Copyright notices MUST remain in place at ALL times and, please keep us informed of your
intentions to use the menu and send us your URL.
// Heavily modified by Aaron Longnion of
// aaron.longnion __at__
// The following line is critical for menu operation, and MUST APPEAR ONLY ONCE.
// If you have more than one menu_array.js file, comment out this line in
// subsequent files
// *** DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ****************************************************
menunum=0;menus=new Array();_d=document;function addmenu(){menunum++;menus[menunum]=menu;}function dumpmenus(){mt="<script language=javascript>";for(a=1;a<menus.length;a++){mt+=" menu"+a+"=menus["+a+"];"}mt+="<\/script>";_d.write(mt)}
// Please leave the above line intact
// Editable properties START here //
// Special effect string for IE5.5 or above
if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")>0)
effect = "gradientwipe(size=0.50, wipestyle=0, motion=Forward, duration=0.2);"
effect = "gradientwipe(size=0.50, wipestyle=0, motion=Forward, duration=0.2)"
// The time delay for menus to remain visible, if there's a cutoff
// Follow Scrolling speed; the lower, the faster
// Follow Scrolling Rate; the lower, the quicker
// Sub menu offset Top position
// Sub menu offset Left position
// style1 is an array of properties for menus. You can have as many property
// arrays as you need. This means that each submenu can have its own style.
// Mouse Off Font Color
// Mouse Off BG Color
// Mouse On Font Color
// Mouse On BG Color
// Menu Border Color
// Font Size (in pixels)
// Font Style (italic or normal)
// Font Weight (bold or normal)
// Font Face
"Arial, Trebuchet MS",
// Menu Item Padding (in pixels)
// Sub Menu Image Arrow (Leave this blank if not needed)
// 3D Border & Separator bar (Leave this blank if not needed)
// 3D High Color (Leave this blank if not needed)
// 3D Low Color (Leave this blank if not needed)
// Current Page Item Font Color (leave this blank to disable)
// Current Page Item Background Color (leave this blank to disable)
// Top Bar image (Leave this blank to disable)
// Menu Header Font Color (Leave blank if headers are not needed)
// Menu Header Background Color (Leave blank if headers are not needed)
// Menu Item Separator Color
// BEGIN SubDirectory MAIN MENU
// This is the array that contains your mainmenu properties and details
// Menu Name - This is needed in order for the menu to be called
// Menu Top - The Top position of the menu in pixels
// Menu Left - The Left position of the menu in pixels
// Menu Width - Menus width in pixels
// Menu Border Width
// Screen Position - here you can use "center;left;right;middle;top;bottom"
// or a combination of "center:middle"
// Properties Array - this is set higher up, as above
// Always Visible - allows the menu item to be visible at all time (1=on/0=off)
// Alignment - sets the menu elements text alignment (left, right or center)
// Filter - Text variable for setting transitional effects on menu activation
// Follow Scrolling - the menu item to follow the user down the screen (1=on/0=off)
// Horizontal Menu - the menu to be horizontal instead of vertical (1=on/0=off)
// Keep Alive - Keeps the menu visible until the user moves over another
// menu or clicks elsewhere on the page (1=on/0=off)
// Position of TOP sub image (left,center, or right)
// Set the Overall Width of Horizontal Menu to 100% and height to the
// specified amount (Leave blank to disable)
// Right To Left Text - Used in Hebrew for example. (1=on/0=off)
// Open the Menus OnClick - leave blank for OnMouseover (1=on/0=off)
// ID of the div you want to hide on MouseOver (useful for hiding form elements)
// Background image for menu when BGColor set to transparent.
// Scrollable Menu
// Reserved for future use
INSTRUCTIONS: Below is the contents of the Main Menu. DO NOT REMOVE OR ADD ANY
COMMAS, the number and sequence of commas per menu is essential. If they are
changed in any way, the entire menu will not work, and Javascript errors will
occur. For each Item on the menu:
1.) Choose the Description Text
2.) Choose the URL (if it is a header, use:"# type=header;align=center;",
if its supposed to pop out another menu, use: "show-menu=menuName",
and if its a URL, you can use relative or full link names)
3.) This is if you want the link to do two things, pop out a submenu and
send the user to the specified link. Here's an example:
"Sample Menu","show-menu=menu5","otherurl.htm",,1,
4.) Choose the Status Bar Text, which would usually be the same as the
Description Text in step 1 above
5.) For the Separator Bar, choose 1 if you want one, and 0 if you do not
6.) You're done with this menu, now copy and paste to make a new one, and
follow these same instructions for each new menu or submenu
,"<span title='to FAO Home Page'>Home</span>","?act=homePage",,"Main",1
,"<span title='to Your Account Information'>Account Info</span>","?act=acctInfo",,"Account Info",1
,"<span title='to Customize Your Counseling Options'>Customize</span>","show-menu=customize","?act=customize","Customize",1
,"<span title='to View/Download Reports'>Reports</span>","?act=reportIdx",,"Reports",1
,"<span title='to View/Download Confirmations'>Confirmations</span>","show-menu=indivConf",,"Confirmations",1
,"<span title='to Export Records'>Export</span>","index.cfm?act=ExportIdx",,"Export",1
,"<span title='to Contact Mapping Your Future'>Contact Us</span>","?act=contactUs",,"Contact Us",1
,"<span title='to Log Out of FAO Access'>Log Out</span>","?act=logoff",,"Log Out",1
// END SubDirectory MAIN MENU
// SubDirectory customize
//,"Test Questions","show-menu=custQuestions",,"Test Questions",1
//,"Counseling Graphics","show-menu=custGraphics",,"Counseling Graphics",1
,"Counseling Start Page","?act=pagemaster",,"Counseling Start Page",1
//,"Student Form","show-menu=custStudentForm",,"Student Form",1
// SubDirectory custStudentForm
,"Stafford Entrance Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=1",,,1
,"Stafford Exit Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=2",,,1
,"Perkins Entrance Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=3",,,1
,"Perkins Exit Counseling","?act=indivConf&OslcTypeID=4",,,1
// SubDirectory acctInfo
//,"Notification Options","show-menu=acctNotify",,"Notification Options",1
,"Assign Servicer/<br>Multi-campus Manager","?act=acctAssignment",,"Assign Servicer/Multi-campus Manager",1
//,"Notification Options","?act=acctNotify",,"Notification Options",1
<script language="JavaScript1.1" src="mmenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 15:47:30 BST
At a quick glance I don't see anything jumping out at me. It looks like you might not be completely up to level - 3.5.15 is current (and last) in the v3 series, although I'd strongly recommend going to v5 for the additional functionality and support.
One thing I'm not familiar with. You have span text=... in your main menu. What, exactly, does that do without a class, etc.?
can this menu cause HTML page to be blank???
Poster: alongnion
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 15:58:59 BST
Thanks John,
It appears that this was due to a google search bar plug-in that some of our users had. So, it's most likely unrelated to this menu, although that's difficult to confirm. But once they uninstalled the plug-in, the rest of the HTML page came up fine...weird...
<span title='explanatory comments here'>link name</span>
code allows IE and I think certain versions of NS to pop-up a little explanatory box that further describes the link. Since it's native to the browser, it doesn't require any extra scripting. It's the same as using Code:
<a href="myLink.htm" title="explanation of my link here....">
I'll let you know if I get more details...
I will upgrade to 5 as time permits, but I have a lot of menus on our site to update at
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 16:03:44 BST
Glad you found the problem.
Thanks for the explanation of the span. I thought that might be it, but just wanted to be sure. Now I'm wondering if that will solve one of our 508 concerns with screen readers. Will try it when (if - truck trouble) I get to work.