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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20

Can I change milonic menu to index.htm and put in root?

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 2:50:27 BST

I originally had version 5 horizontal.htm and configed it my way and renamed it to menu.htm.
Can I change it to index.htm and the menu.js file to index.js and upload them to my server and will it act as the index page correct?


Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 8:42:34 BST

You can change the horizontal.htm file name without any problem. Some servers prefer default.htm or index.htm though. It all depends on whether you want to promote your web address as:


We always try and keep the JS names the same. That way, if you have any problems the experts on here know which files they are looking at.

But, in general, there is no problem with changing the name.


Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 9:55:07 BST

Thanks. That's what I thought. I will change it to index.
Do the mmenudom.js and mmenus4.js also have to be in the root for the navbar to work?

Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 10:48:49 BST

It all depends on how you've linked them to other web pages. I keep them all in the root folder and have not had any problems.

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 14:47:55 BST

whiskey3 wrote:
Do the mmenudom.js and mmenus4.js also have to be in the root for the navbar to work?

No, they don't. That's what milonic_src.js is for. Seems we've been through this one a few threads back. Read Andy's notes there concerning its use.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 19:09:27 BST

Site check please...

I put my stuff in the root:

and my nav bar isn't showing up?

I tried putting in the index page the path "htttp:// etc. for the .src and .js and I can't get it to work?

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 19:14:22 BST

Your scriptpath variable (inside milonic_src.js) is set incorrectly. :oops: Its still set to some local path, fix that and you're good to go.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 19:43:10 BST

I set the milonic_src.js file to:

and still nothing?

Please help.

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 23:20:54 BST

Wolf, old boy,I'm going to get just a tad annoyed here :} . We've discussed this many times. Did you read Andy's comments in the milonic_src file as I suggested? In particular...
    You need to declare the path to the script as a standard directory structure format
    but you must use / for both Windows and Unix file systems and you must end with a /

It says, "...end with a /". Therefore, has to be wrong.

Assuming you have all the menu code files in /new/, the correct entry would be this...

Sorry for jumpin' at ya, but you're really making this a lot harder than it is. Read the information provided in the files, and the answers a lot of folks have been giving you here. We're here to help, and gladly at that, but you need to listen. Fair :?:

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Wednesday August 13 2003 - 23:48:00 BST

Thanks a bunch it worked....but now my navbar isn't showing up.

Look I'm sorry that was a bad error on my case but you have to understand I had this whole site coded with version 3 and had to redo to 5 and 5 has been a pain a little bit and I'm under a deadline and I just want to get it I'm a lttle stressed. :)

I just need help with this other version.

Now I don't know why the navbar isn't showing up at all GRRRRRRR!!!

Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 8:19:00 BST

Try leaving your JS files in the root and not declaring the scriptpath.

Although I haven't properly published a V5 menu (I'm in exactly the same boat as you) yet, I have not made any changes.

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 20:00:16 BST

I just visited your site and the src tags for the menu are empty... I dont know if you pulled them out for testing or what. But like John said and I emailed you about, your script path is a path, not a file. A tip that helps me sometimes is always use fully qualified names. What John said with the /new/ is correct, but for my own sanity, I use so I know I referencing exactly where I think I am. You put all your menu files into that directory and when you reference the files from your pages, I always use <SCRIPT src=''></SCRIPT>
Hope we are able to help you and get your stuff in by the dead line.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 20:15:43 BST

Yeah I was changing things when you checked. I might go back to the old menu since it was working.........and I'm close to a deadline and you know how they say "don't fix things if they ain't broken."

I'm having problems getting it to work in the index even though I tried:

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="menu_array.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="index.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

or this:

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

And on your old post I stll can't figure out how to get rid of the arrows from the top of the navbar but I still want them in the bottom submenus still?

For reference try to look at this link now:

I'm going back to the old one version 3 here:

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 20:47:40 BST

I am not going to repeat all the stuff I said in that other post since its pretty much what you need to do. Styles have subimages defined in them, and you have one style for BOTH your top and sub menus. You need to create a NEW style (with NO subimage defined in it) and make your top most menus reference that NEW style. Take a look at the examples Andy has for the new menu in the RC5 section, the menu you see with all the different colors utilizes multiple styles...thats what you need to do, have more than one style.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Thursday August 14 2003 - 21:20:27 BST

I look at that thanks. :)

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 19:33:09 BST

Check out this post, I think I hit on this previously with someone.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 19:53:52 BST

Thanks a bunch. It will help.
Due to time constraints and deadline I had to go back to version 3.

I will move to new version after the site is moved over with DNS and I have more time to code......I had to make deadline and I was having a learning curve going to 5 cause I guess I was so used to 3.

Could you please tell me how to move the navbar over to the right.
I enter numbers in the menu_array.js file for menu left but can't seem to get it to work. If you go to my link you can see that the navbar should be moved over to the right a little bit underneath the flash animation header.

Thanks to the forum for all the help.

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 20:02:35 BST

Looks pretty good to me, almost barely noticable. Looking at your code, I dont see any obvious reason it shouldnt be heeding to your commands. If you want to try and put a space (&nbsp;) somewhere in your menu labels to tweak it some, that may be something you could try.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 20:07:49 BST

So you mean I can't move it to the right but just add spaces in the code for the top menu to widen it?

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 20:20:48 BST

you SHOULD be able to move it to the right. Change the menu left from 200 to like 202. But if that doesnt work. try putting a space on the end of one of the labels. it might widen your menu some to make it look more centered. If it makes it too wide, move the menu to the left alittle so it looks little wider than the flash banner.

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 20:33:00 BST

Will give it a go. Thanks. :)

Poster: whiskey3
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 20:56:11 BST

Yeah I added spaces after the names on top and it seemed to work.
Check it if you'd like.
I tried changing left to even 250 and it did nothing....didn't move at all?