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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
border color control on/off?
Poster: cubefree
Dated: Friday August 1 2003 - 3:21:51 BST
I am trying to apply a border color to a cell in a sub-menu when moused-on. [ not the entire submenu or separator, but the border just around the cell. Is there a way?
Since posting this, I tried the following, using offbordercolor:
,ind+"Core Plan ","show-menu=coreplan","# suboverimage=../images/nav/cmm_arrow2_on.gif; offbordercolor=FFCC66","Program Information",1
,ind+"Value Plan ","show-menu=valueplan","../proginfo/valueplan.htm suboverimage=../images/nav/cmm_arrow2_on.gif; offbordercolor=FFCC66","Value Plan",1
,ind+"457(b) Plan ","","../proginfo/valueplan.htm offbordercolor=FFCC66","457(b) Plan",1
However, now you'll see at this link that the first submenu's cell has a 4-sided organge border inside the cell, cell #2 is only on bordered by 3 sides in orange and cell #3 not at all.
Any ideas why this is happening??