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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16
about using the conversion tool
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 1:03:54 BST
Is there an explanation of the tool someplace, or maybe an example menu array file in ver 3 and a "converted' file to kind of see what it's supposed to do? If not, here's a question
Say my ver3 has 3 property definitions, let's call them main1, main2, submenu. So I use the conversion tool and when I open the finished product it says at the top
_menuOpenDelay=150; and so on.
Is that what it's supposed to be, or do I need to in effect make 3 separate 'arrays' and convert them separately and then put them back togther? Also, what do I rename this, which file is it supposed to be, the data.js file? I am so confused, in comparison 3 was easy to understand - [well, relatively speaking] at least as far as being able to make different arrays of properties for different parts, like the main menu having it's set, and various submenus having theirs, even being able to have a different set for each submenu if I wanted.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 4:41:14 BST
If you download a menu sample you will see that what you have is menu_data.js you will also need to make your file path in milonic_src.js and remove the preceeding 2 slashes // to make the file path active.
Put all the files in one directory.
You can name the data file anything you want.
If the data is confusing to read, try looking at a sample.
All your menu items are in these lines:
aI(text=menu item;url=index.html;showmenu=name to call submenu;");
The rest are like style sheets for different parts of the menu.
If you want to change your menu but it looks like its one long line, you could copy lines into a new menu_data.js as you learn in a new downloaded folder.
The script has to be placed on your page is in menu.htm, open it up in your browser to see the menu.
Its easier than the old menu.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 13:31:18 BST
Well, for some it probably is. I think for others whose knowledge of web page things is limited to basic html, like font and such, who have no clue about style and layers and etc., it isn't so easy. And I've looked at a sample, but then since I have no idea what the things mean in the sample... I'll figure it out over time, in the meantime, I'll just use the ver 3 I have.