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Taken From The Forum: Anything Goes
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16

a reminder for links posting?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 5:16:03 BST

I have NO idea if this is possible, and maybe many will even think not really useful, but I've noticed so many times that there is no link posted when someone wants help and usually there has to be a reply asking for a link, wondering if it's possible for some kind of pop up or something when you go to submit that would be a reminder....something like did you remember to include a link to show the problem if available, or something. Just a thought.

Ruth :)

Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 9:31:16 BST

Yeah, we need a 'sticky' at the top of each help section to remind people. Plus to also make sure they are posting in the right area!

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 15:54:13 BST

I just thought with the board and titles, etc., being in English and pretty clear that folks would go to the right area. Bad assumption (which, in itself, is bad, anyway). So, I've just started moving topics to the correct area when I see them. Cleaner, and a lot faster.

Besides, what makes you think they'll read the popup... :?: :lol:

Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday August 28 2003 - 17:13:23 BST

You could have website as a required field in the forum profile. Not that it will always bring up the correct url but its a close bet it will.

Andy Davis, I just took a look at your url: Teacher, Student and Parent something is on a second line in my browser, you could add   if you want to keep it on one line with the height of the menu.

The strangest thing happened while the page was loading, the browser url window entered the main menu area.

all the best

Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 11:38:12 BST

Ta for the info Maz, I'll take a look at it.

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 13:03:25 BST

I dunno about that Maz, cuz when people generally are workin on a menu, its in development, like on a test page or something, and the profile URL should be a link to your real home page.

I got a copy of phpBB running on my home machine, I will hack the code to see if I can insert a line of text on the posting page that tastefully urges the poster to include a URL if they havent already done so. phpBB is so cool about things like tweaking their boards, one can do just about anything they want within reason. I'm sure Andy will have no problem putting it in. Give me a couple...

Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 13:37:36 BST

OK, you have two minutes ::giggle:: j/k. Personally, I will appreciate it. Us old guys forget. I dont' know how many times I've posted and then went, dang I forgot to but the darned url in and had to edit what I just put up. I think it's called OAS with complications of CRS...Old age syndrome and can't remember stuff. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 13:40:24 BST

geesh, like I forgot to login before I posted the previous.... :roll:


Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 21:51:12 BST

Uh oh! I was going to use Invisionboard just because I can, a different set of teaks.

Don't feel alone Ruth, you can join my board when its set up, we all have memory loss. What a fun bunch we will be :oops:


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday September 2 2003 - 17:21:06 BST

Hmmm - speakin' of 'old folks forgetting things' - I see two of our regulars forgot to sign in and posted as 'Guest'. OK - where's the medicine :?:

Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday September 2 2003 - 18:15:10 BST

Chuckle... why is it that I'm signed in permanently, but everytime I go to post, the first time it takes me back to forum index page?

I could have been on another computer, but I still sign in.

I still don't see which posts I haven't read, but now I know why, instead of the little page changing color, it wiggles, I don't see the wiggling.


Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday September 3 2003 - 1:46:36 BST

The way the forum works, if you tell it to auto-log you in, it will do it as long as you never click the log out link at the top. Using the database, it records what posts have occurred since your last visit and marks them orange...wiggling posts just mean they are 'hot topics' (> 25 posts).

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday September 3 2003 - 3:11:57 BST

Ok I tweaked the phpBB2 code to now display alittle message on the 'post a new topic' page and the 'post a reply' page, right above the big text box mentioning that a URL is very helpful. I sent the code to Andy, I dont think he'll have a problem adding it in. :D

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday September 3 2003 - 15:15:26 BST

Sounds good, Dave. Looks like Andy has already implemented it!