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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:19
? about the milonic forum reply notification
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday August 15 2003 - 20:35:39 BST
For some reason I got TWO notifications about a topic posted, they had the same links but one had an attachment called spam assasin or something. I didn't open it. What's that about?
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday August 16 2003 - 5:44:02 BST
I've been getting some of those as well, but not duplicate notices.
SpamAssassin is a very well known server-based spam filter. It is typically set at a certain 'level' by the ISP, although some do allow access to those prefs settings by the user. It's not a virus, so you don't have to worry about that. What it does is add some header info on what it caught in the message as far as 'spam traps' are concerned. It is safe to open and look at.
What I don't understand is why not all of the messages have it attached, as they all come from the same server.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 16 2003 - 9:06:49 BST
Well, thanks for the info. I opened one and found out why I'm getting two.... They are altering the first one to show their analysis, so they send the first as is and then the second with the attached message about it. Ah well, too bad it doesn't work for the real spam.
I've put the content of the message they send in case someone wants to find out what's up, because Milonic notification is certainly NOT spam. And whatever they are using to analyze it must be messing up because it sure has a to: and a from: line given.
SPAM: See for more details.
SPAM: Content analysis details: (7.5 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: TO_EMPTY (1.4 points) To: is empty
SPAM: TO_MALFORMED (1.1 points) To: has a malformed address
SPAM: SUBJ_HAS_Q_MARK (0.7 points) Subject: contains a question mark
SPAM: NO_REAL_NAME (0.5 points) From: does not include a real name
SPAM: EXCUSE_1 (2.3 points) BODY: Gives a lame excuse about why you were sent this SPAM
SPAM: SUPERLONG_LINE (0.4 points) BODY: Contains a line >=199 characters long
SPAM: MISSING_HEADERS (1.1 points) Missing To: header
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results