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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:33
Support request
Poster: gregorr
Dated: Monday April 21 2003 - 9:57:04 BST
I paid for, and am using, version 3.3.19 and I am having problems.
1) Am I entitled to a version upgrade?
2) Viewed on some PCs the - character (in anti-spam) causes that one drop-down menu where it appears to be 3 text lines tall instead of 2 like the rest of the menu. On other PCs it doesn't do this. Perhaps I should substitute some code for the dash as is substituted for a space?
3) No matter what site page is active the menu option for HOME is always colored as though I am on the home page. this means sometimes the menu displays ambiguous highlighting.
Some of the code in question is included below.
Thank you very much
,"<BR>Home","",,"Back to the home page",1 // "Description Text", "URL", "Alternate URL", "Status", "Separator Bar"
,"Internet access<BR>& data security","show-menu=internetworking",,"",1
," Web site hosting<BR>& anti-spam email","show-menu=hosting",,"",1
,"Premises security<BR>& remote control","show-menu=security",,"",1
,"Support options<BR>& other services","show-menu=options",,"",1
,"Policies<BR>& Links","policies.htm",,"Policies and favorite links",1 // "Description Text", "URL", "Alternate URL", "Status", "Separator Bar"
,"<BR>Games","games.htm",,"Play some games!",1 // "Description Text", "URL", "Alternate URL", "Status", "Separator Bar"
Poster: John
Dated: Monday April 21 2003 - 23:32:12 BST
1. Yes, you are. As you are roughly 29 versions behind

2. There should be no problem with a '-' character in the menu. Check it again after updating.
3. Same as last half of #2.
The short piece of code you posted really isn't of much help. We almost always need to see your whole array, so posting a URL is requested.
Also, there is no need to use for normal word spacing. A plain old space will work just fine.