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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:32
menu size and position wrong in Netscape 7
Poster: elar
Dated: Tuesday April 22 2003 - 23:09:09 BST
I have a menu positioned near the top of my page. It is set to be 744 pixels wide (124, // Menu Width - Menus width in pixels - 6 cells wide)
Works fine in Net 4.7, and IE. but in Netscape 7 it is close to 800 pixels wide and offset lower than in other browsers.
Here are the position settings:
95, // Menu Top - The Top position of the menu in pixels
8, // Menu Left - The Left position of the menu in pixels
124, // Menu Width - Menus width in pixels
1, // Menu Border Width
, // Screen Position - here you can use
Any idea how to keep it the same size and in the same place in all browsers?
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday April 23 2003 - 0:29:37 BST
Hi Eric,
Have you set the page margins to zero?
Poster: elar
Dated: Wednesday April 23 2003 - 0:58:59 BST
Well, I actually like the default margins. I did try your suggestion. But the problem is that the menu "floats" above the page. I have the script tags as the first line after the body tags and the .js file is determining the location of the menu relative to the top and left of the page.
It's fine in everything but N7. What is wierd is that now that I am looking at it the top and left positioning of it are fine. but my page is set up as a table 750 pixels wide, and the menu is 744 pixels and it still extends beyond the table on the right side about 50 pixels.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday April 23 2003 - 4:38:35 BST
Hi Eric,
Are you able to post a URL, so we can see what's going on and look at the code?
Poster: elar
Dated: Wednesday April 23 2003 - 15:42:19 BST
Yes, here it is:
You'll see in Netscape 7 it goes past the table to the right. In IE and NT 4.7 it fine.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday April 23 2003 - 16:46:34 BST
Hi Eric,
I think the problem stems from your menu version. You're using version 3.3.19 of mmenu.js (I'm guessing you got this from The current version is 3.5.15. I tested your menu with the current version, and the positioning and sizing problems go away in NS7.
You can download the current version here. Please also read the note for v3.5.14 in the version information page. If it applies to you, then you may want to replace the pertinent line in your menu_array.js with the same line from the menu_array.js that comes with the update (in downloaded zip file).
Hope that helps,